Special Series The Entrepreneur Alphabet | T For Time | Episode 20
- Special Series The Entrepreneur Alphabet | T For Time | Episode 20 Laurent Notin 11:07
The beauty of time is that we all have the same amount available to us: 24 hours, 1,440mn, 86,400 seconds per day.
However, it seems some people use their time better than others… that’s because they literally use it better than you.
Time is a resource, and like any other resources available to you (e.g. people, equipment, Money, etc.) you need to manage it. Â
The thing is when it comes to time management, the biggest hurdle is you; dare I say it: you’re your own bottleneck!Â
So, the real question is how can you become better at managing all the time that is available to you?
Find out my top 3 Time Management Rules on this new episode of The Entrepreneur Alphabet.Â
Book a FREE call with me now 👉 https://tinyurl.com/book-your-free-callÂ