1. Special Series The Entrepreneur Alphabet |  Z for Zeal | Episode 26 Laurent Notin 9:19

Zeal stands for great energy or enthusiasm in pursuing a cause or an objective.

And entrepreneurs must display great energy and enthusiasm at all times if they want to succeed!

In this final episode of The Entrepreneur Alphabet, I discuss ways zeal can support you in your entrepreneurial journey, and I share 6 practical tips to cultivate zeal. 



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Laurent Notin The Bottleneck Coach : Getting Entrepreneurs Unstuck; Podcast Host

I am a French national who left France at 23, and spent 20 years in South-East Asia, before relocating to Finland in the summer of 2019.

​My professional background is in market research and advertising, where I ran small businesses of up to 150 people across 3 countries.

I've always cared more about others than about myself. I've developed a passion for coaching, mentoring, advising, and training people throughout the years. Combined with my entrepreneurial mindset, becoming a coach to entrepreneurs just made sense.

Today, I combine my experience and expertise to unlock entrepreneurs from situations they create when they become the bottleneck in their business.