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Getting Happier: Achieving Happiness Through Writing Pt 2

Getting Happier: Achieving Happiness Through Writing Pt 2 &Raquo; Add A Heading 6

Writers Gotta Write, Right?

Writing for the sheer pleasure of writing embodies the joy of creative expression, self-discovery, and the simple act of putting thoughts into words. For writers, the act of writing isn’t just a task—it’s a necessity, a way of making sense of the world and connecting with their inner selves.

Writers gotta write, because it’s part of our DNA.

This passion underscores the idea that writing isn’t merely a means to an end; it’s a way of being. For writers, getting happier can be as simple as engaging in their craft, one word at a time. In the end, writers write—not just to create but because writing is what makes us feel truly alive.

Creativity and Humanity

Creativity is a innate human attribute, a natural expression of our ability to imagine, innovate, and connect. From ancient cave paintings to modern novels, humans have always sought ways to make sense of the world and share their experiences through creative acts. Writing, as a potent form of creativity, taps into this intrinsic drive, transforming thoughts, emotions, and ideas into something tangible and meaningful.

Creativity is your birthright as a human being. You are worthy of this wonder simply by being born.

Research in psychology and neuroscience suggests that creativity is hardwired into our brains. We cannot not create. The default mode network, which activates during introspection and daydreaming, plays a key role in creative thinking. Writing engages this network, allowing us to explore and articulate complex emotions and ideas.

Questions to Spark Happiness Through Writing

Getting Happier: Achieving Happiness Through Writing Pt 2 &Raquo; Dallc2B7E 2024 11 29 14 59 37 A Bright And Sophisticated Minimalist Illustration Of A Creative Writing Scene A Sleek Desk With An Elegant Notebook And Modern Pen Set Against A Vi

The Winfrey/Brooks book, Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier, inspired me to look deeper. Naturally, I began exploring my depths through writing. It started with a series of questions—questions that didn’t “stick” until I wrote them down on paper:

  • Why does writing make me feel good?
  • What’s so pleasurable about the act of writing?
  • Why does it feel like breathing to me?
  • Why does writing feel like a conversation with myself?
  • How does writing help me process emotions and experiences?
  • What makes writing a sacred or transformative act for me?
  • Why does writing feel timeless, allowing me to be fully present?
  • Why does it bring such Clarity, confidence, and…relief?

My answers, like a magician’s trick, have surprised and delighted me. This isn’t fantasy, but it is fantastic! And like a magician’s trick, it’s based on the scientific principles of the Cosmos—replicable and rooted in reality.

Getting happier means finding those moments of magic in a series of letters strung together to form words, then sentences, then paragraphs, until—Presto!—you’ve created a story like no other in the history of humankind. Through this process, we discover that happiness is not one-size-fits-all but a practice unique to our personal journey.

Write yourself happier. The magic is yours to create.

Originally Published on https://akasha111blog.wordpress.com/

Paula D. Tozer is the author of three books - Saving Your Own Life: Learning to Live Like You Are Dying; An Elegant Mind's Handbook, and Enchanting Treve, a Novel. She is also an actor, singer/songwriter, Creativity Coach, competitive speaker, and leader with Toastmasters, as well as an avid cyclist, hiker, gym rat, and critter lover. The vast majority of her accomplishments have been achieved after the age of 50, demonstrating that It is never too late to be what you truly could have been...

Paula believes that living fiercely at any age is the way to optimize our time on this side of the grass. She has taken up the mission to inspire and motivate her contemporaries with what she has found that has allowed her to age with elegance, vitality, and most of all, good humor!


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