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Right About That! &Raquo; Default One Womans Tanned Hand Holding A Feathered Writing Ins 0

Right About That!

It’s not what you do when you are motivated. It’s not what you do occasionally. It’s what you do when the going gets boring or repetitive…in the face of challenge, conflict, or controversy…that’s what matters. When you think It doesn’t matter, what’s one day of not living up to my goals?… That’s where, as the […]

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Don’t worry be happy

 Happiness is often misunderstood as the ultimate goal of life, but in reality, it’s more of a byproduct of how we live our lives and the choices we make. Happiness often arises from leading a purposeful life rather than seeking happiness directly. For example, someone who volunteers at a local shelter may find deep fulfillment […]

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Invisible Wealth-How Wealthy Are You Really? &Raquo; Invisible Wealth Deborah Johnson 1024 X 683 150X150 1

Invisible Wealth-How Wealthy are You Really?

“Invisible wealth” refers to assets or resources that are not immediately apparent or tangible but hold significant value to individuals or societies. While financial wealth is often the most visible form of prosperity, there are several other areas of invisible wealth that are equally important but may go unnoticed. If we only measure dollars, other […]

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Find Something To Enjoy &Raquo; Pauladtozer

Find Something to Enjoy

Don’t love your work? Can’t wait to get the heck out of there when your shift is done? It’s up to you to find some part of your job to enjoy. Let’s get real: You signed on for this work. You agreed to their terms and conditions. Even if you felt you had no choice […]

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Key Factors For Happiness &Raquo; Great Job Emoji Background Png

Key Factors for Happiness

Arthur C. Brooks and Oprah Winfrey have written a thought-provoking book together. It’s called Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier. Yep. There are other books on how to get happy. Why is this one different? One of the many things I enjoy about this content is that Brooks and […]

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The Gratitude Visit &Raquo; Sonny Melendrez San Antonio Texas Tedx Motivational Keynote Speaker

The Gratitude Visit

Want a way to make someone and yourself truly happy this Thanksgiving? There’s a method of practicing gratitude that you may not have heard about: The Gratitude Visit. It’s a concept created by the man considered to be the Father of Positive Psychology, Dr. Martin Seligman, and a moving way to express your deep appreciation […]

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We Create Our Health and Wealth Through Our Vibrations

“Your ‘vibration’ is a fancy way of describing your overall state of being. Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Even things that look solid are made up of vibrational energy fields at the quantum level. This includes you.” Cassandra Sturdy, Author & Transformational Coach The other day, when […]

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The True Value of Friendship & Happiness

The true value of friendship and happiness plays a big role in the course of a lifetime. When is the last time you had a genuine conversation with a close friend? Regardless of the content of your discussion, you felt better afterward, right?  And more importantly, it did indeed contribute to your overall level of […]

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“I Just Want To Be Happy Again!”

“Why Can’t I Just Be Happy Again?” I just want be happy again was written to reach out to anyone and everyone who is looking for encouragement and how to come back to themselves and be the happy, positive and productive person they were in the past. Why can’t I be happy is a familiar cry from many in […]

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