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Why you should share your goals more widely – it’s good for IQ, EQ and FQ

Why you should share your goals more widely — its good for IQ, EQ and FQ

Why You Should Share Your Goals More Widely - It'S Good For Iq, Eq And Fq &Raquo; 1C1Dp0Rxsdquocntudsq Wg Scaled
Someday I’ll learn how to order numbers 😂

As a strategist and emotional intelligence expert, I hate resolutions but I am a big fan of goals 🥅.

In fact I regularly tell clients that we won’t start working with them until we have Clarity on what problem we are trying to solve ❌.

With my business owner hat on, I set annual goals with the team so that we are sure we are clear on the direction we are travelling in and to hold ourselves accountable.

But why stop there? It is only right that I set goals for myself.

In fact, as someone who regularly sets himself silly challenges like this and this, having goals to aim for is all part of the fun of life — I particularly love gamifying them.

There are 3 main benefits to sharing your goals with others

  1. IQ benefits — letting others see your goals will mean that you will invariably get feedback about them; how realistic, how stretching, how interesting they are, etc. With feedback comes the opportunity to sharpen them 💡
  2. EQ benefits — letting others see your goals will mean that people can understand more about you and have more opportunities to connect and be part of your journey 🫂
  3. FQ benefits — letting others see your goals will mean that they can hold you accountable as well as supporting you thus giving you greater focus 🎯

I truly believe that, in most areas of life, keeping your ideas, goals, strategies and thoughts to yourself “dampens your Qs” and many other aspects of life.

What are my goals for 2025?

If you’ve been following my journey you will have seen that I tend to set and update personal goals in 6 month blocks; I shared the thinking behind this and the categories that I focus my goals on in this blog.

So, on Dec 31st I set myself, and prioritised, the following goals to achieve by July 1st 2025:

  1. Emotional — Share emotions every week [yep, emotions are good and I could be better at sharing mine] 😭
  2. Relationship — Start a new romantic relationship [I’ve been single too long now] 💕
  3. Financial — Buy and move into a flat [time to stop paying someone else’s mortgage] 🏡
  4. Professional — Generate £300k of additional revenues and 3 new clients [all part of kicking the business on to the next level] 💰
  5. Social — Host 6 dinner parties [I love cooking and friends so why not, I don’t do this enough] 🍽️
  6. Education — Read 6 non-fiction and 3 fiction books [time to spend less time in front of screens and to expand my knowledge] 📕
  7. Travel — Undertake at least 1 trip to somewhere new [keep the wanderlust going] ✈️
  8. Hobbies/Skills — Expand Arabic vocabulary by a minimum of 300 new words [I’ve stagnated on my ability here] 🤓
  9. Health/Fitness — Run a sub 50 min 10k [time to get fitter and match the old me] 🏃‍♂️

The prioritisation is important as there will invariably be times in the next 6 months that I might have to make choices between the different goals and having them pre-prioritised will make this easier 🤷🏻‍♂️.

The 2 principles that will bring success

It’s day 7 of 2025 and I can say I have already made a little progress against each of my goals but it’s early days so the goals will not be won or lost in these 7 days but there are 2 important principles that underpin everything I will do this year.



I’ll unpack these in my upcoming blogs but these will undoubtedly be the bedrock of whether I succeed or not.

Will I succeed or fail?

As of now, all is to be played for; as part of my accountability I commit to sharing progressing against each of my goals each week on LinkedIn.

So satisfy your curiosity/noseyness and come follow the journey. If nothing else it will be entertaining as I can already imagine the stories that might come out ⚡.

Bring it on! 🙌


PS If any of you want to help with my goals (e.g. fancy being at one of the dinner parties, have a good book to share or any travel tips, etc) then drop me a line ☺️

Faris is the CEO and Founder of Shiageto Consulting, an innovative consultancy that helps firms and individuals sharpen their effectiveness. Connect with him here

Success = IQ x EQ x FQ

Want to assess your levels of IQ, EQ and FQ? click here

Why You Should Share Your Goals More Widely - It'S Good For Iq, Eq And Fq &Raquo; Stateventpost

Originally Published on https://farisaranki.medium.com/

Faris Aranki Strategy & Emotional Intelligence

Having spent over 20 years delivering strategic change for the corporate and non-corporate worlds, Faris has experienced first-hand the fine differences between strategic success and failure.
His work has spanned numerous companies (from global behemoths to small start-ups), in numerous countries, across a range of sectors, supporting them all to unlock strategic success.

He came to realize that often what hinders institutions from achieving their goals goes beyond the quality of their strategy; it is their ability to engage effectively with others at all levels and remove barriers in their way. This has led to his passion for improving strategic effectiveness within all businesses and individuals and the foundation of Shiageto Consulting.

Over time, Faris has worked to distill his knowledge of how to solve complex problems in a structured manner combined with his skill on engaging effectively with others and his ability to quickly determine the barriers to a strategy's success. This knowledge has formed the foundation of Shiageto’s workshops, courses and methodologies. Faris believes that any firm or team can adopt these improvements; all it requires is a little of the right support -something Shiageto provides!

On top of leading our business, Faris is now an accomplished speaker and contributor for a variety of outlets.


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