If you are thinking about making a change at work, at home or for yourself, don’t take the scenic route.
We’ve all done it. You went on a trip. Somewhere along the way you see signs for the scenic route. So you take a detour.
You begin traveling down smaller, winding roads. You see fewer cars, trucks and congestion. While the views are truly magnificent, you run into road blocks.
Maybe the blockage is road repair where the lane is closed and you have to wait for oncoming traffic to drive by while you wait your turn to go.
I met a new Coaching prospect this past week. She owned a nice sized business that had been operating 12 years. She was well past the start-up phase.
What she told me about was her frustration with the way her people operated. She felt she couldn’t rely on anything without close supervision. She wanted a change without firing everyone and starting over.
After learning a good deal about her situation, I explained my team coaching model to her. That is what she had called for in the first place.
When she finally asked how long would this take, I shared the time frame; six months. It would be a direct and intentional process of implementing new standards, methods, accountability, and measurements.
Six months may seem long, but for her it would be the super-highway version of the change she’d need to turn her business around. After all, it would have required engaging all of her employees, changing their behaviors and expectations.
Compared to the 12 years she had been building the simmering mess she had, my recommendation was super-sonic.
Despite my best effort to explain how this process can help and has helped many other Small Businesses like hers, she decided she needed something else. She could not name what that was, but, in her mind, my approach would not fit.
She sent herself on the scenic route.
Change of any kind can be hard. We hear that. We believe that. And it is if you take the scenic road.
Identifying the change that should be made can be easy. “I need to lose 20 pounds.”
But making it happen takes all kinds of detours, redirects, pauses, stops and starts. It is the scenic route.
Taking the scenic route creates distractions. Some may be welcomed distractions to take our mind off of how hard the change seems to be.
But if you keep allowing the detours, pauses and distractions, you arrive at some point down the road with no change at all.
I’ve had the privilege to work with larger, more global companies where implementing change can be very hard. “It’s hard to turn a battleship” they say.
Yet for leaders who get laser focused on the change they want and the ‘case for change’, they make every subsequent move very intentionally.
Here is a list of the practices great leaders follow to avoid the scenic routes and get things done.
First, create a crystal clear vision of what is to come. Be able to explain the “future state” in clear detail.
Next, rally the team. Your team may have been operating well with former standards and processes, but change may require them to step out of that comfort. As their leader, you must reinforce the case for change and help them rise to the change.
Then, monitor your progress, keeping in mind all change has an “S” curve element to it. The S curve of change describes leaving the status quo, dipping into a bit of chaos, then slowly rising above and beyond to former state to achieve new things.
The post Want Real Change? Don’t Take the Scenic Route appeared first on Business Advisor and Executive Coach | Doug Thorpe.