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June 27th, 2024

Essential Caregiver Resources for Settlement Considerations

Cindy and Christina Harden-Weiss, Founders of Adaptive Equipment and Caregiving Corner and hosts of Rolling’ with Ruby and Rollin’ with Ruby: Engines Off! share valuable information and resources for caregivers.

Their decades of experience with assistive technology programs, area agencies on aging, and lending Closets are must know resources for caregivers.

Advice? Be proactive in ensuring home safety and accessibility for their loved ones!

Learn more about Adaptive Equipment & Caregiving Corner:
Website: https://adaptiveequipmentcorner.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@AECorner
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aecorner15

Cindy graduated in 1992 with a Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy from Washington University in St Louis, MO. The majority of her career has been spent in Home Healthcare. Her passion is to assist people in maintaining their independence, especially when it makes the difference in their ability to remain in their home.

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