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Posts Tagged With ‘ breakfast ’

Surya Sunrise Porridge
January 29th, 2024
Surya Sunrise Porridge &Raquo; 53378466732 Dcd76984Db C

Are you looking for new breakfast ideas this year? Look no further! Here is a nourishing dish to start your day and honor Surya. Surya is one of the names for the sun in Sanskrit. The sun is revered in Ayurveda and Yoga as the provider of warmth, light, energy, and the source of all life. Pause for a moment in gratitude for the giver of life before you enjoy this meal. Consider the sun and how it is perfectly positioned to support life on Earth. It’s not too close, and not too far away, and it remains faithfully in orbit at just the right angle. It is one of the only constants... Continue Reading

January 29th, 2024
Salad for Breakfast, Chocolate for Lunch
May 18th, 2022

I came up the title of this post over 6 years ago when I was having a casual conversation with a friend, who happened to be an acupuncturist as well as an athlete and a top notch martial artist. Our conversation turned to nutrition, and I jokingly said, “How about having salad for breakfast and chocolate for lunch?” Here it is, several years later, and I am now eating salad for breakfast almost every morning. And I’m loving it! After taking photos of my mega-nutritious, vitamin-packed breakfast salads and sending them to my sisters, one responded by asking me for the recipes. She said they... Continue Reading

May 18th, 2022