A re-release of a popular podcast from last year which has helped many family caregivers adapt to life caring for a loved one who has had a stroke.
As a caregiver, if your loved one has had a stroke, how much help they will need can vary greatly. It can range from them requiring no assistance with care, to requiring more care than one person can offer. Do your homework by learning about your loved one’s strengths and weaknesses. Be realistic about what you can do. Just because you can’t do it all, doesn’t mean you don’t love them, it just means you can’t do it all. Find what will work. Explore options of support, explore different settings. Determine what will work for you that will allow for you to care for them and take care of yourself.
If you are a caregiver and need help devising a customized caregiving plan that will help make your caregiving role easier, Finding A Foothold can help, schedule a free consult.
Reach out for help and support.
Visit FindingAFoothold.com to see how.
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Disclaimer: The podcast and blog are intended to provide basic information so that you can become a more informed caregiver. The information presented is intended for educational and informational purposes only and is not meant to serve as medical advice or replace consultation with any health care providers you regularly engage with. Transmission or receipt of any of this information is not intended to, and does not, create a therapist-patient relationship. This information is not provided in the course of a therapist-patient relationship and is not intended to constitute medical advice or to substitute for obtaining medical advice from a physician or therapist licensed in the state where your family may reside. We encourage everyone to consult with your physician or therapist to see if they are appropriate and safe for you.