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Julienne Ryan Humorist, Speaker, Trainer, Facilitator, Coach

Julienne B. Ryan began her professional career at age five when she did TV commercials and learned important things like “the teamsters always eat first,” her Social Security number and how to endorse checks for bank deposit.

Ryan studied psychology in college because she wanted to understand humans. She conducted her “field work” in a variety of roles, hearing the phrases “merger synergies, reorganizations, downsizing and rightsizing for change” more times than she cares to mention.

Later she enrolled in an Ivy League graduate school where she paid oodles of Money to validate her prior on-the-job learning experiences. However, she did learn to name drop up-to-date theories and trendy psychologists with alarming ease.

Ryan evolved into working in “Talent Management,” a fancy way of saying “try to find people and keep them moderately happy.” With inadequate budgets and staff allocations, she had to find creative ways to encourage her staff to work effectively. These ranged from begging and borrowing resources, improvising childcare, telling stories and even giving snacks as rewards. She tried to convince herself that working a bazillion hours and “multi-tasking” equaled achievement.

Her work took place in cubicles, conference rooms or, with luck, in offices with a door. Occasionally she would make the time to emerge from her allotted Real Estate to really talk to people. Ryan learned something transformative in the process:

Yes, she was effective. But not because she used fancy theories – or gave great snacks. Ryan’s success, her staff believed, was a result of her uncanny knack for weaving storytelling with humor to motivate and encourage them. Crucially, they encouraged Ryan to de-emphasize “that normal HR stuff” and focus on bringing her unique storytelling skills to a broader stage.

Thanks to them, Ryan continues to collect, connect and tell stories in her work helping people find their “true selves in the world of work.

She is the author of the humorous, all true "The Learned It In Queens Communications Playbook - Winning Against Distraction!".that now includes a workbook and is available at booksellers across the globe..

She is a guest contributor to The Procurement Foundry, LifeBlood, and the global storytelling community.

Certifications include
Accumatch (BI) Behavior Intelligence
Narativ Applied Storytelling Methodologies
Collective Brains – Mentorship Methodologies

Recent Content

The Rolling Stones Can Teach Us A Few Lessons About What It Means To Be “Engaged At Work” &Raquo; Julienne In White Shirt
The Rolling Stones Can Teach Us A Few Lessons About What It Means to be “Engaged At Work”

Rolling Stones can teach us a few lessons about what it means to be “engaged at work.”Last week, I attended a Rolling Stones concert with my husband at the MetLife Stadium in New Jersey, and…

Rolling Stones can t…

Rolling Stones can teach us a few lessons about what it means to be “engaged at work.”Last week, I attended a Rolling Stones concert with my husband at the MetLife Stadium in New Jersey, and the experience left a lasting impression. Watching Mick Jagger’s constant, non – stop energy on stage made me reflect on what it truly means to be engaged at work. Here are a few takeaways from their performance:1. Mastering Their Craft: The Stones’ showmanship and musical skills have been honed over decades since their first concert in 1962.2. Strong Sense of Identity: They exude …

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A Memorial Day Memory &Raquo; Us Army Reserve St. Johns Univeristy Campus Photo

There used to be a U.S. Army Reserve Center on St. John’s University’s Campus, down the street from my childhood home in Jamaica, Queens, New York.When I was a little kid, I would watch as men…

There used to be a U…

There used to be a U.S. Army Reserve Center on St. John’s University’s Campus, down the street from my childhood home in Jamaica, Queens, New York.When I was a little kid, I would watch as men dressed in army fatigues walked past my house and over the small path that separated our dead-end street from the Center.The reservists came once a month to honor their duties. Their presence taught me that war was part of life and they had made a commitment to serve their country.On summer days when the Reservists were not in session, I would walk past the Center with my mother and pick …

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Newly Minted Data &Raquo; Julienne In White Shirt
Newly Minted Data

Last week, I heard about a trend study that made me smile. Breath mint sales are on the rise.I was driving to Boston to deliver a keynote address about communications and connecting with other h…

Last week, I heard a…

Last week, I heard about a trend study that made me smile. Breath mint sales are on the rise.I was driving to Boston to deliver a keynote address about communications and connecting with other humans in our digital world, and my radio was tuned to an NPR affiliate station. The co-hosts were discussing our social lives in a post-COVID-19 Pandemic world and how breathe mint sales have been rising steadily for the past year. The host noted that the mint business had been in the proverbial dumpster during COVID because, as we all remember, no one was going anywhere or talking to people.T…

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Boredom Is Underrated &Raquo; Julienne In White Shirt
Boredom is Underrated

“Yes, boredom is that state of agonizing disinterest coupled with the sense that time is moving too slowly.  But that state of mind can help you develop your thinking and creativity skills.”I…

“Yes, boredom is t…

“Yes, boredom is that state of agonizing disinterest coupled with the sense that time is moving too slowly.  But that state of mind can help you develop your thinking and creativity skills.”I consider myself an “expert” on this topic because, in the age before digital swipes and texts, I experienced champion levels of boredom when I was growing up in Queens, New York.I remember counting the acoustic tiles and then attempting to count their dots as I sat in Knights of Columbus party rooms as we gathered to mark someone’s life or death milestone. I was usually the youngest or …

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Twenty One Links About Ai Influences And Nurturing Relationships In A Digital World &Raquo; Julienne In White Shirt
Twenty One Links about AI influences and Nurturing Relationships in a Digital World

Today is Mother’s Day and our social media streams are full of poems, pictures and posts about mothers. I am using this day to provide a list of articles and video clips that highlight important p…

Today is Mother’s …

Today is Mother’s Day and our social media streams are full of poems, pictures and posts about mothers. I am using this day to provide a list of articles and video clips that highlight important points about what we need to do to nurture healthy, productive Relationships in our digital world. Consider these links a “bouquet of ideas.” Hopefully, the links will inspire you to view your relationships with a fresh eye and take positive and productive action.…

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Happy International Women’s Day &Raquo; Julienne In White Shirt

 It’s International Women’s Day and it’s time to celebrate our achievements, our collaborations and potential. I am sharing a group of inspiring quotes* I discovered while researching this day…

 It’s Internation…

 It’s International Women’s Day and it’s time to celebrate our achievements, our collaborations and potential. I am sharing a group of inspiring quotes* I discovered while researching this day. These women have shown us how to use our voice to inspire and lead others.“There’s something so special about a woman who dominates in a man’s world. It takes a certain grace, strength, intelligence, fearlessness and the nerve to never take no for an answer.”  – Rihanna2. “I am a woman and I get to define what that means.” – Swati Sharma3. “A strong woman understa…

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“What Are You? Are You Black Or White?” &Raquo; Julienne In White Shirt
“What are you? Are you Black or White?”

“Are you Black or are you White?” “What are you?”The year was 1969. A handful of my fourth-grade classmates had swarmed around Elizabeth L. and me as we stood chatting in a corner of St. N…

“Are you Black or …

“Are you Black or are you White?” “What are you?”The year was 1969. A handful of my fourth-grade classmates had swarmed around Elizabeth L. and me as we stood chatting in a corner of St. Nicholas of Tolentine’s Elementary School’s schoolyard in Jamaica, Queens. New York. The kids jostled each other as they vied for Elizabeth’s attention asking “What are you?” “Are you Black, or are you, White?”Elizabeth was not a new student. We had all been together since the first grade. We had taken school trips, performed in holiday concerts, and made our First Holy Communion …

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Connecting In The Digital World: Lessons From Elmo’s Check-In &Raquo; Julienne In White Shirt
Connecting in the Digital World: Lessons from Elmo’s Check-In

In a surprising turn of events, Elmo, the beloved red Sesame Street character, recently took to social media to check in on his followers. A simple yet heartfelt question was posed: “Elmo is just ch…

In a surprising turn…

In a surprising turn of events, Elmo, the beloved red Sesame Street character, recently took to social media to check in on his followers. A simple yet heartfelt question was posed: “Elmo is just checking in! How is everybody doing?” Little did he know that this innocent inquiry would unleash a flood of brutally honest and sometimes cynical responses, revealing a deeper undercurrent of emotions experienced by people in the online community.People shared everything from feeling low to sharing happy moments like a sunny day in Florida with turtles. Even brands and celebrities joined in, …

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Education And Leadership Lessons From Dr Martin Luther King &Raquo; Julienne In White Shirt
Education and Leadership Lessons from Dr Martin Luther King

Today is Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday. In honor of this day, I’ve researched his earlier quotes and how from the start he was committed to showing how Education, leadership and the ability t…

Today is Dr. Martin …

Today is Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday. In honor of this day, I’ve researched his earlier quotes and how from the start he was committed to showing how education, leadership and the ability to employ critical thinking go hand in hand if we are to develop and grow as individuals.As Dr. King finished his final year at Morehouse, it was evident that he had transformed into the leader he was destined to become when he wrote in the student publication, The Maroon Tiger: “We must remember that intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true educati…

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Exploring The Timeless Appeal Of Charles Dickens &Raquo; Julienne In White Shirt
Exploring the Timeless Appeal of Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens, a literary giant of the 19th century, achieved a level of popularity that transcended traditional barriers, even reaching the illiterate population. In a unique cultural phenomenon, t…

Charles Dickens, a l…

Charles Dickens, a literary giant of the 19th century, achieved a level of popularity that transcended traditional barriers, even reaching the illiterate population. In a unique cultural phenomenon, those unable to read his novels individually found an ingenious solution – communal reading.Dickens’s works became a shared experience among the illiterate, binding communities together. Individuals pooled their meager resources to hire a reader and then assembled to listen to the enchanting tales spun by the celebrated author. This communal approach not only brought the joy of storytelling…

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How Would You Describe Your Leadership? &Raquo; Julienne In White Shirt
How would you describe your leadership?

If you were given 4 minutes to sum up everything that drives you as a leader, what would you talk about?What kind of story would you tell?If you’re among those who’ve had to pivot as a result of l…

If you were given 4 …

If you were given 4 minutes to sum up everything that drives you as a leader, what would you talk about?What kind of story would you tell?If you’re among those who’ve had to pivot as a result of layoffs or if you’ve had to lead a team through change, what’s the story you can tell yourself and others that will move you and your team forward?As we wrap up the year and think about how we want to spend our time in 2024 and achieve our intentions (for more on intentions vs resolutions, check out episode 8 of Narativ Inc podcast LEADERSHIP STORY TALKS) for the year ahead, it’s time to pond…

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Craft Your Holiday List Of Meaningful Moments  &Raquo; Julienne In White Shirt
Craft Your Holiday List of Meaningful Moments 

As we gear up for the holidays, let’s pause and celebrate the real treasures in our lives—those heartwarming moments of genuine human connection. In the pages of my book, “Learned It In Queens:…

As we gear up for th…

As we gear up for the holidays, let’s pause and celebrate the real treasures in our lives—those heartwarming moments of genuine human connection. In the pages of my book, “Learned It In Queens: Winning Against Digital Distraction,” I invite you to join me on a quest to revive the art of meaningful communication. In a world dominated by screens and instant messages, this book is my way of reminding us all about the importance of face-to-face interactions. Why Does this Matter?Sure, “Because I said so!” might sound like a bit of cheeky banter, but the truth is, our lives are fi…

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This Elf Is A Great Leader! &Raquo; Julienne In White Shirt
This Elf is a Great Leader!

“The Elf” on the Shelf is a very good leader.” Julienne RyanWho knew? Here’s what we can learn from him:1. He doesn’t have to talk a lot to make his presence known2. Elf sets clear e…

“The Elf” on the…

“The Elf” on the Shelf is a very good leader.” Julienne RyanWho knew? Here’s what we can learn from him:1. He doesn’t have to talk a lot to make his presence known2. Elf sets clear expectations and models the desired behavior3. He lets you know where you stand and provides feedback4. Elf reminds us who we aspire to be and why5. He believes that we can make positive changes6. Elf always shares a smileBe the Elf.Here are a few links to information that will help you achieve your leadership best.Watch the Narativ Storytalks Podcast where Jerome Deroy, COO Narativ and…

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Use Your Fork – Your Holiday Conversation Prompt &Raquo; Julienne In White Shirt
Use Your Fork – Your Holiday Conversation Prompt

Simple visual prompts can help you better navigate your interactions with colleagues and family members this Holiday Season.Why not consider using a simple tool that use everyday? Use your fork…

Simple visual prompt…

Simple visual prompts can help you better navigate your interactions with colleagues and family members this Holiday Season.Why not consider using a simple tool that use everyday? Use your fork. Yes, indeed. Yes indeed. I started to think about how this simple, elegant tool can provide some timely lessons during my post-Thanksgiving Day commute to New York City. Here’s a few points that came to mind.“Never eat more than you can lift” has been Faith Middleton’s go to catchphrase for years on her NPR podcast “The Food Schmooze” I know that I for one took ful…

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What Makes You Unique? What Story Are You Telling Yourself And Others? &Raquo; Julienne In White Shirt
What Makes You Unique? What Story are You Telling Yourself and Others?

When we are in the midst of uncertain times, the best thing we can do ourselves when we are experiencing challenges, is to take a and remember what we learned when we took a moment to learn from the w…

When we are in the m…

When we are in the midst of uncertain times, the best thing we can do ourselves when we are experiencing challenges, is to take a and remember what we learned when we took a moment to learn from the Wisdom of others. It’s important to listen and learn from our collective stories.Here’s a great interview of Narativ Inc.founder Murray Nossel talking about Legacy stories, the power of stories about failure, and how to relate to your listeners in such a way that they connect with you and your subject matter.A gold mine of knowledge and information to apply to your messages.During thi…

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What If We Rethink How We Experience Rejection? &Raquo; Julienne In White Shirt
What If We Rethink How We Experience Rejection?

Here’s my question for the day – “What If We Rethink How We Experience Rejection?”I attended a writer’s conference years ago and signed up for a workshop titled “Addressing Writer’s …

Here’s my question…

Here’s my question for the day – “What If We Rethink How We Experience Rejection?”I attended a writer’s conference years ago and signed up for a workshop titled “Addressing Writer’s Block.” The speaker was an established author who earned his living as a writer, so I thought he probably had some wisdom worth sharing.During the session, he revealed what he felt was the root cause of writer’s block — the fear of rejection whether he experienced it after reading a biting review or after receiving a publisher’s rejection letter. He was incredibly forthcoming about…

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Listen More. Talk Less &Raquo; 2705
Listen More. Talk Less

Why do we talk so much?Why is it so challenging to stay quiet?What is the result of over talking or talking exactly at the moment when it would be so much more beneficial to stay silent?We recently re…

Why do we talk so mu…

Why do we talk so much?Why is it so challenging to stay quiet?What is the result of over talking or talking exactly at the moment when it would be so much more beneficial to stay silent?We recently released an episode of Narativ Inc‘s LEADERSHIP STORY TALKS podcast that was all about the power of keeping your mouth shut, with the author Dan Lyons and we got so many great insights from the conversation that we decided to write an article about these. …

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Do You Make Assumptions About Other People? &Raquo; Julienne In White Shirt
Do you make assumptions about other people?

Do you often assume they won’t have the time for you? Are your assumptions getting in your way of developing positive relationships?Here’s an a post about a recent conversation that Jerome De…

Do you often assume …

Do you often assume they won’t have the time for you? Are your assumptions getting in your way of developing positive relationships?Here’s an a post about a recent conversation that Jerome Deroy, CEO of Narativ and I had about how we can let our assumptions get in our own way.Julienne and Jerome discuss the art of building relationships and trust through an experience that Julienne had before the holidays. She describes how her assumptions were proven wrong when she reached out to people to support her for a project. We look at the role of assumptions in our day to day li…

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