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September 5th, 2022

Ontological Coach Cary Prejean—Choose an empowering perspective

  1. Ontological Coach Cary Prejean—Choose an empowering perspective Maria T. Finch 25:07

Have you ever questioned your perspective about something in your life? Cary Prejean, an ontological coach, explains the ontology of language and explores how our perspectives can empower or disempower us. By examining our interpretation of a particular situation, we may be able to shift from an interpretation that makes us feel lousy to one that inspires us to take action. An event in life is just an event. How you interpret the event is what affects your mood, your drive to take action, etc. Tune in to learn more!

Cary is also a CPA and CFO consultant. He helps business owners turn their businesses into well-oiled machines. Cary’s website:
Contact Cary:

Maria T. Finch, Inner Intelligence Coach and host of Silence the Mindcluck, coaches high achievers to silence the mindcluck that leaves them feeling unfulfilled despite their success. She guides them to tune into their inner intelligence to build and execute strategies that shift them from feeling frustrated AF to being the queens or kings of their lives.

Take the “What the Cluck?” quiz to find out what kind of mindcluck is loudest for you today and get practical solutions for silencing it:

Book a free discovery session with Maria:

Learn more:

Maria T. Finch Inner Intelligence Coach

Maria T. Finch is an Inner Intelligence Coach at Silence the Mindcluck. Mindcluck means what you think it means…the mind chatter everyone experiences that can derail even the best moments. Maria works with high achievers who are unsatisfied in one or many aspects of their lives. She guides them to silence their mindcluck and tune into their inner intelligence to build and execute strategies that shift them from feeling frustrated AF to being the queens or kings of their lives.


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