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Posts Tagged With ‘ Nancy Gentle Boudrie ’

Emotions: The Chemical Elixir
June 16th, 2023
Emotions: The Chemical Elixir &Raquo; 1 Jpg

Happy Friday! I can’t wait to share another insightful video tip with you that will surely leave you inspired. In this week’s video, I delve into the concept of emotions as a chemical elixir. Drawing from his book, “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One,” Dr. Joe provides a powerful example of someone who frequently experiences guilt. This individual constantly perceives themselves as at fault, attributing every situation and occurrence to their own actions. Dr. Joe explains that this constant draw towards guilt creates a specific chemical... Continue Reading

A Mindful Journey: Self-Acceptance
June 12th, 2023
A Mindful Journey: Self-Acceptance &Raquo; Mmm 06.12.23 Rectangle

A foundation-mindful journey requires having a positive feeling about self. Living without self-judgment or constantly belittling yourself create a mindset by which you see yourself in a positive light. While this positive mindset about self may not come easy, it is crucial to the foundation of your mindful life. Begin by noticing the triggers that get you down on yourself and work toward learning to respect, love, and honor yourself anyway. Tearing yourself down is detrimental to your mindful practice and will sabotage your progress in cultivating a mindful life. Try to ease up on yourself;... Continue Reading

Chemical Elixir of Emotions: Unleashing the Power Within
June 10th, 2023
Chemical Elixir Of Emotions: Unleashing The Power Within &Raquo; Weekly Video Tip

Happy Friday! I can’t wait to share another insightful video tip with you that will surely leave you inspired. In this week’s video, I delve into the concept of emotions as a chemical elixir. Drawing from his book, “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One,” Dr. Joe provides a powerful example of someone who frequently experiences guilt. This individual constantly perceives themselves as at fault, attributing every situation and occurrence to their own actions. Dr. Joe explains that this constant draw towards guilt creates a specific chemical... Continue Reading

Empower Mindful Living: Embrace Transformative Perspectives
June 5th, 2023
Empower Mindful Living: Embrace Transformative Perspectives &Raquo; Mmm 06.05

Often when dealing with a challenging life experience, colleague, or family member, mindful living prompts us to consciously observe how we bring past memories, thoughts, patterns, and beliefs into the present moment experience. In other words, we have a preconceived notion of the outcome or how someone will respond to us. In so doing, we are closing our minds to the chance of a new result. As we live mindfully aware today, see if you can look at each situation with fresh eyes and an opportunity for a new perspective, not bringing the past into the present. Cultivating the ability to see a person... Continue Reading

Breathe: Activate Vagus Nerve for Optimal Well-Being
June 2nd, 2023
Breathe: Activate Vagus Nerve For Optimal Well-Being &Raquo; Weekly Tip Awaken With Light 1

Did you know that our breath is intricately connected to our emotions and physiological well-being? When we focus on taking slow, deep breaths, an amazing phenomenon occurs—the rhythm of our heart slows down. This incredible connection is made possible by the vagus nerve. In the video tip, I will guide you through a simple and effective technique to activate the vagus nerve. By incorporating this practice into your daily routine, you can experience reduced stress levels, improved digestion, enhanced immune function, and a greater sense of emotional wellness. Remember, it’s the small, intentional... Continue Reading

Sacred Reflections: Memorial Day Mindfulness
May 29th, 2023
Sacred Reflections: Memorial Day Mindfulness &Raquo; Mmm May 29 Website

Today in the United States, we remember those who have died in service to our country. For many, this can be a somber day. For others, it can be the kickoff to summer fun or simply a day off from work. I encourage you to reflect on what this day means to you. There is no right or wrong answer. Bring present moment awareness to what today means for you as you read this Mindful Moment. What are you feeling emotionally, what thoughts are passing through my mind, and what bodily sensations am I experiencing, here and now? Personally, I am very fortunate to have had many immediate family members... Continue Reading

Embrace Authentic Living
May 26th, 2023
Embrace Authentic Living &Raquo; Weekly Tip Awaken With Light

I hope you’re having a Friday filled with positive energy! Unleash your intuition, trust your inner wisdom, and embrace authentic living with practical techniques for trusting intuition. This week’s video tip will resonate with you and provide valuable insights into tuning in to your inner self. In our fast-paced and ever-changing world, it’s crucial to cultivate a strong relationship with our intuition. Watch the video tip as I explore the foundations of trusting our intuition and building a harmonious relationship with it. I discussed how to recognize the voice of our intuition amidst... Continue Reading

Embracing Your Worth: Cultivating Mindful Self-Acceptance
May 23rd, 2023
Embracing Your Worth: Cultivating Mindful Self-Acceptance &Raquo; Imgpsh Fullsize Anim 9 1 Scaled 1

We are back to Mondays! This week’s Mindful Moment: You are enough, just as you are. I have noticed that even the most successful executives, leaders, and high-level professionals are challenged with owning their self-worth. Lovingly accepting the person you are, your feelings, thoughts, and values, the total package is the best gift for overall health you can give to yourself. If you struggle with acceptance of self and or perfectionism, I encourage you to mindfully process those deep emotions that carry pain and heavy burdens. For example, not meeting someone’s expectations, disapproval,... Continue Reading

Mindfulness in Motion: Embracing the Present Moment
May 20th, 2023
Mindfulness In Motion: Embracing The Present Moment &Raquo; Imgpsh Fullsize Anim 9

Today, I want to share with you a powerful video tip and start with a quote Charles Dietrich that has been on my mind lately, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” In this short video, I dive into the importance of living mindfully and fully embracing the current moment. What is currently occupying your thoughts and attention? Are you fully immersed in the present moment, or are your mind and emotions scattered elsewhere? It’s easy to get caught up in past regrets or worries about the future, but mindfulness teaches us to recognize when we’re not fully present and gently... Continue Reading

Embracing Immense Gratitude
May 16th, 2023
Embracing Immense Gratitude &Raquo; Mm 5.16.23 Scaled 1

This past weekend, I embraced immense gratitude, celebrating all that I am thankful for in the present moment. As I felt my heart open to receive the unconditional love available to me, it truly felt like love flooded every cell in my body. This mindset of embracing immense gratitude filled my heart with such love, joy, and peace. I took in every moment spent with family. Every smile, laugh and hug. As I hiked the Brandywine Trail in Pennsylvania, I soaked in the beauty of God’s creation in nature. I recognized I could have this feeling and connection daily if I chose to see it. The key is... Continue Reading