Sunday - June 2nd, 2024
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208. His Biggest Mistake Was Investing in Homes… Here's What He Did Instead | Grant Warrington

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  1. 208. His Biggest Mistake Was Investing in Homes... Here's What He Did Instead | Grant Warrington Nicole Vilaca 32:21

Grant shares his journey from being in construction to building a real estate empire. He shares the challenges he faced with small homes, the benefits of investing in apartment buildings, and the tax advantages of real estate.

He emphasizes the importance of content creation and building a personal brand, sharing his experience of meeting Grant Cardone and the impact of social media on his business.

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Sitting in my first ever office job at 21 years old, I knew I couldn't do that for the rest of my life. But what could I do? Well, I wasn't too sure, so in order to find out, I left my home country of Canada at 23 years old to explore the unknown. I moved to China, and after falling in love with China and living there for four years, I knew it was my time to move on.

I spent time finding and following my passions, which lead me to creating a digital marketing business, implementing dynamic marketing and strategies for clients around the globe.

But of course, I had to follow my other passion as well... my love of travel and helping others create a life they are obsessed with (what I like to call lifestyle design). Now, I create content on social, my podcast, and blog, helping others who feel in the same situation I did years back... knowing there is so much more to life, but unsure how to find it.

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