Sunday - October 6th, 2024
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Dr. Chris Stout Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Chris Stout is a licensed clinical psychologist and international humanitarian with a diverse background in various domains. He is the Founding Director of the Center for Global Initiatives (a Top-Rated Nonprofit) and is the Executive Producer and Host of the popular “Living a Life in Full” a top-ranked podcast with an audience of over 3 million. He was a Fellow in the School of Public Health and Full Professor in the Department of Psychiatry in the College of Medicine at the University of Illinois, Chicago and prior to that he held an academic appointment at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. He served as a NGO Special Representative and had the honor of speaking at the United Nations; he holds the distinction of being one of only 100 world-wide leaders appointed to the World Economic Forum’s Global Leaders of Tomorrow and was an Invited Faculty at the Annual Meeting in Davos.

Dr. Stout is a world-wide speaker, organizational consultant and startup whisperer having worked or traveled in all 50 states, over 100 countries and 6 continents. He was noted as being “one of the most frequently cited psychologists in the scientific literature.” He is a Fellow in the American Psychological Association, past-President of the Illinois Psychological Association, and is a Distinguished Practitioner in the National Academies of Practice. He is a Best-Selling Author having published 38 books. His works have been translated into 8 languages. He is a recipient of four Humanitarian Awards and four additional honorary doctorates. He is a popular LinkedIn Influencer nearing a half-million followers and has been a guest on CNBC, CNN, NBC, PBS, NPR, and Oprah. He was listed in Fast Co.’s Global Fast 50 nominees and in TED Founder Richard Saul Wurman’s “Who’s Really Who.” His archive of professional work is part of the Smithsonian’s Museum for the History of Psychology. He balances all his academic and humanitarian efforts with time with his family, adventure sports, and climbing (having summited 3 of the world’s 7 Summits).

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Ben Guttmann On The Power Of Simplicity &Raquo; Living A Life In Full Thumbnail
Ben Guttmann on the Power of Simplicity

We are not as smart as we think we are.  We're busy and distracted in a world that is incentivized to continually make us more of both. The only things that work, the only messages that cut through …

We are not as smart …

We are not as smart as we think we are.  We're busy and distracted in a world that is incentivized to continually make us more of both. The only things that work, the only messages that cut through the noise, are sharp, clear, and direct. We’ve all been advised to “not judge a book by its cover,” to “not count your chickens before they hatch,” and that “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Maybe for you, what comes to mind is something political, like Patrick Henry’s revolutionary “Give me liberty, or give me death!” or more recently, Barack Obama’s “Yes We Can.” Now thin…

Listen · 1:18:08
Daniel Goleman, Phd, On Emotional Intelligence And Optimal Performance On &Raquo; Living A Life In Full Thumbnail
Daniel Goleman, PhD, on Emotional Intelligence and Optimal Performance on

You have likely seen moments of peak performance—perhaps an athlete plays a perfect game or a business that has a quarter with once-in-a-lifetime profits. Perhaps you have experienced something sim…

You have likely seen…

You have likely seen moments of peak performance—perhaps an athlete plays a perfect game or a business that has a quarter with once-in-a-lifetime profits. Perhaps you have experienced something similar – playing a musical piece perfectly, making a faultless shot, or perhaps acing a final. But these moments are often elusive, and for every amazing day, we may have a hundred ordinary or even unsatisfying days.  Now, imagine your best day at work - you exceed the goals set for you, your interactions with coworkers are productive and bristle-free, the new system you implemented has boosted p…

Listen · 45:01
Topaz Adizes On How A Single Conversation Can Change A Relationship Forever &Raquo; Living A Life In Full Thumbnail
Topaz Adizes on How a Single Conversation Can Change a Relationship Forever

Have you ever found yourself in the presence of someone you love dearly and had nothing to say? The silence, not indicative of your care for the other, nor of your desire to connect with them, and yet…

Have you ever found …

Have you ever found yourself in the presence of someone you love dearly and had nothing to say? The silence, not indicative of your care for the other, nor of your desire to connect with them, and yet there were no words you could grasp to articulate the depth or quality of your connection to them. Or, have you found yourself in the same looped pattern of conversation with someone you love? Feeling as though you were treading the same path repeatedly, and it was simply exhausting? Or, even worse, it was deteriorating your connection. We all crave connection. But sometimes we need help gettin…

Listen · 1:03:32
Rob Schwartz On Life'S Greatest Lesson &Raquo; Living A Life In Full Thumbnail
Rob Schwartz on Life's Greatest Lesson

Over 20 million copies of one of the most famous memoirs of all-time, “Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson” written by Mitch Albom, have been sold since its…

Over 20 million copi…

Over 20 million copies of one of the most famous memoirs of all-time, “Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson” written by Mitch Albom, have been sold since its 1997 publication, and to this day it remains on many a college’s required reading list.  Twenty-eight years after Morrie Schwartz passed away, his son Rob Schwartz, has edited his father’s last work, and posthumously published what has become a bestselling new book, “The Wisdom of Morrie: Living and Aging Creatively and Joyfully.”  Rob is a journalist and entrepreneur, having founded a …

Listen · 1:39:14
Alex Tapscott On The Promise Of Digital Disruption &Raquo; Living A Life In Full Thumbnail
Alex Tapscott on the Promise of Digital Disruption

When you think of modern technologies that aren’t gadgets and gizmos, you probably think of the Web, and with it, the Internet.  If so, you aren’t really thinking of modern technologies. We are e…

When you think of mo…

When you think of modern technologies that aren’t gadgets and gizmos, you probably think of the Web, and with it, the Internet.  If so, you aren’t really thinking of modern technologies. We are entering a new age. We’ve moved from the “Read-only Web,” which had little functionality for interacting with content, to the “Read-Write Web,” which offered seemingly endless collaborative opportunities, from sharing things with friends and family to shopping at your favorite brands. But the profusion of cyberattacks, data hacks, and online profiling have left many of us to view digital …

Listen · 1:28:48
Octavia Goredema On Doing Work That Matters &Raquo; Living A Life In Full Thumbnail
Octavia Goredema on Doing Work that Matters

How do you get the job, or position, or career, where the work that you do matters - and not just to your employer -  but to you? Few experiences in life are as awful as the feeling of being trapped …

How do you get the j…

How do you get the job, or position, or career, where the work that you do matters - and not just to your employer -  but to you? Few experiences in life are as awful as the feeling of being trapped in the wrong career. But how do you find a job that truly resonates with you? And once you’ve found it, how do you develop the confidence to take the necessary steps to arrive at the career of your dreams? Or how do you recover from a career setback and seize new opportunities? Or, what if you are returning after a time away from being in the workforce? How do you deal with the uncertainty behin…

Listen · 1:16:02
Creativity And Innovation In Business And Design: Lance Cayko On (Re)Inventing Architecture &Raquo; Living A Life In Full Thumbnail
Creativity and Innovation in Business and Design: Lance Cayko on (re)Inventing Architecture

At the intersection of architecture is art, creativity, design, engineering, sociology, psychology, and inspiration, not to mention survival, sustainability, and comfort. It’s been said that archite…

At the intersection …

At the intersection of architecture is art, creativity, design, engineering, sociology, psychology, and inspiration, not to mention survival, sustainability, and comfort. It’s been said that architecture is the art we live in. We’re all impacted by the communities in which we live, the spaces in which we work, along with the places we visit and experience throughout our lives.  So what is it that makes for good architectural design? How does a space become iconic? How does an architect go from project, to design, to engineering, to completion?  Well, Lance Cayko knows a lot about the ans…

Listen · 1:11:41
Eduardo Briceño On The Performance Paradox: When Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect &Raquo; Living A Life In Full Thumbnail
Eduardo Briceño on the Performance Paradox: When Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect

To succeed in a fast-changing world, individuals and companies know they must create a culture of Growth, where experimentation and feedback are encouraged, and learning is integrated into the everyda…

To succeed in a fast…

To succeed in a fast-changing world, individuals and companies know they must create a culture of growth, where experimentation and feedback are encouraged, and learning is integrated into the everyday. Yet we often get stuck in a well-worn pattern of habits that don’t move us forward. Why? How do you get better at something? You do a lot of it. The 10,000 hour rule. Practice makes perfect, right? Maybe not. What if our focus only on performing doesn’t lead to the hoped for improvements, and instead our performance suffers? Well, there is a strange phenomenon that runs counter to what most…

Listen · 1:11:48
The Aesthetic Technologist: Hussain Almossawi On Art, Design And Creativity &Raquo; Living A Life In Full Thumbnail
The Aesthetic Technologist: Hussain Almossawi on Art, Design and Creativity

How do you become an innovator? What sparks creativity? What goes into creating something that becomes iconic? Instead of predicting the future, what if you could create it? Well, that is pretty m…

How do you become an…

How do you become an innovator? What sparks creativity? What goes into creating something that becomes iconic? Instead of predicting the future, what if you could create it? Well, that is pretty much what Hussain Almossawi does. He easily walks between digital and physical worlds as he creates futuristic concepts, experiences and objects. Hussain is an award-winning industrial designer, CGI/Visual Effects Artist, and best-selling author of The Innovator's Handbook. He has worked across industries and around the world consulting for companies such as Nike, Apple, Adidas, EA Sports, Inte…

Listen · 1:14:44
Profitability With Social Responsibility: Deb Crowe On A New Approach To Leadership &Raquo; Living A Life In Full Thumbnail
Profitability with Social Responsibility: Deb Crowe on a New Approach to Leadership

Leaders come in a variety of types and approaches. There are the proverbial Chainsaw Al’s - those tough-talking executives who are aggressive in their turning around troubled companies by laying off…

Leaders come in a va…

Leaders come in a variety of types and approaches. There are the proverbial Chainsaw Al’s - those tough-talking executives who are aggressive in their turning around troubled companies by laying off workers and closing factories.  There are the Jack Welch types who at first seem like geniuses, but are later found to not have created sustainable change. There is a litany of heroes and scoundrels, crooks and kings of all stripe, throughout various areas of work-life and the world.  But what if there was a more heart-centered style of leadership? Something that binds the power of compassion,…

Listen · 1:23:45
Valerie Plame’s Modern Odyssey (And Cautionary Tale) Of Speaking Truth To Power &Raquo; Living A Life In Full Thumbnail
Valerie Plame’s Modern Odyssey (and Cautionary Tale) of Speaking Truth to Power

On July 6, 2003, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson's historic op-ed, "What I Didn't Find in Africa," appeared in The New York Times. A week later, Robert Novak revealed in his Washington Post column tha…

On July 6, 2003, for…

On July 6, 2003, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson's historic op-ed, "What I Didn't Find in Africa," appeared in The New York Times. A week later, Robert Novak revealed in his Washington Post column that Ambassador Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, was a CIA operative.  It ended her covert career and set off a political scandal that rocked the Bush/Cheney White House. The public disclosure of that secret information spurred a federal investigation and led to the trial and conviction of Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, and the Wilsons' civil suit against top officials of the Bush admin…

Listen · 1:05:13
Tina Davidson On Composing A Life In Full (Measure) &Raquo; Living A Life In Full Thumbnail
Tina Davidson on Composing a Life in Full (Measure)

“I collaborate with the music.” Composer Tina Davidson explores in her memoir Let Your Heart Be Broken: Life and Music from a Classical Composer, described as “a lyrical reckoning with what it…

“I collaborate wit…

“I collaborate with the music.” Composer Tina Davidson explores in her memoir Let Your Heart Be Broken: Life and Music from a Classical Composer, described as “a lyrical reckoning with what it takes to compose a life of cohesion and beauty, out of shattered bits and broken stories.”  In Let Your Heart Be Broken, Tina juxtaposes memories, journal entries, and insight into the life of an artist—and a mother—at work. Along the way, she meets Ernest Hemingway and Carl Sandburg, survives an attack by nomads in Turkey, and learns her birth father is a world-famous scientist. And thr…

Listen · 1:19:02
John Zolidis On Making Better Decisions And Recognizing Flawed Mental Models &Raquo; Living A Life In Full Thumbnail
John Zolidis on Making Better Decisions and Recognizing Flawed Mental Models

Investment research created by large banks, mid-sized banks, and even smaller boutiques is frequently muddled by conflicts of interest, and its value diminished by over-distribution. Analysts often fe…

Investment research …

Investment research created by large banks, mid-sized banks, and even smaller boutiques is frequently muddled by conflicts of interest, and its value diminished by over-distribution. Analysts often feel pressure to have positive ratings to support bankers or to generate corporate access.  And the time horizon of most research is typically very short, causing analysts to miss long-term winners due to near-term considerations. But the biggest issue is that most analysts have no proprietary information or process. Additionally, what are the mental models that can best serve not only making inv…

Listen · 1:33:23
Michael Bungay Stanier On How To Rescue Difficult Work Relationships And Do Your Best Work &Raquo; Living A Life In Full Thumbnail
Michael Bungay Stanier on How to Rescue Difficult Work Relationships and Do Your Best Work

Have you ever had the experience of working with someone and they just didn't “get” you? They do all the things that wind you up, put you off, and drive you nuts. And, have you ever worked with so…

Have you ever had th…

Have you ever had the experience of working with someone and they just didn't “get” you? They do all the things that wind you up, put you off, and drive you nuts. And, have you ever worked with someone, and you just didn't “get” them? You couldn't figure out what made them tick, and you know that you were underwhelming, as a manager and leader for them.   Of course you have. We all have.   So why do those situations keep happening? Particularly when we’ve also experienced the opposite – great working Relationships that soar. Our working relationships are fundamental, if not criti…

Listen · 1:28:20
An Existential Slap Across The Face: Dean Rickles, Phd, On The Essence Of Life’s Meaning &Raquo; Living A Life In Full Thumbnail
An Existential Slap Across the Face: Dean Rickles, PhD, on the Essence of Life’s Meaning

Death might seem to render pointless all of our attempts to create a meaningful life. But Professor Dean Rickles argues that only constraints―and death is the ultimate constraint―make our actions …

Death might seem to …

Death might seem to render pointless all of our attempts to create a meaningful life. But Professor Dean Rickles argues that only constraints―and death is the ultimate constraint―make our actions meaningful. In order for us to live full lives, Dean believes it is the finiteness and shortness of life that brings meaning. In this episode we explore how this insight is the key to making the most of the time that we do have. Dr. Dean Rickles is a Professor of History and Philosophy of Modern Physics at The University of Sydney. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Leeds with a thesis on…

Listen · 58:08
Nick Gray, The Underdog Wunderkind And Superconnector &Raquo; Living A Life In Full Thumbnail
Nick Gray, The Underdog Wunderkind and Superconnector

Is loneliness the new smoking? A number of studies and polls have recently come out that indicate Americans of all ages, socioeconomic, and geographic locations are more isolated and alone that in any…

Is loneliness the ne…

Is loneliness the new smoking? A number of studies and polls have recently come out that indicate Americans of all ages, socioeconomic, and geographic locations are more isolated and alone that in any other time in recent history. Some postulate this has been spurred by people isolating themselves via increased screen time, alienating and divisive social media posts, remote working, and perhaps augmented by living in a post-Covid era.  Regardless of the causes, Nick Gray is wielding name tags and a harmonica, and rolling up his sleeves to remedy this new plague, which we’ll be discussing in…

Listen · 54:00
The Ever Erudite Michael F. Schein On Secret Societies (And Why You Should Start One) &Raquo; Living A Life In Full Thumbnail
The Ever Erudite Michael F. Schein on Secret Societies (and Why You Should Start One)

Freemasons, Skull and Bones, Rosicrucians, the Illuminati, 5 Hertford Street, the Bohemian Club, and more, are all so-called secret societies. Not so much because no one knows about them, but mo…

Freemasons, Skull a…

Freemasons, Skull and Bones, Rosicrucians, the Illuminati, 5 Hertford Street, the Bohemian Club, and more, are all so-called secret societies. Not so much because no one knows about them, but more so the question as to what do they do, who belongs to them, and how do you join? Is membership in the Soho House the modern day variant of such societies? What’s the psychology behind their creation and their intrigue? Well, Michael F. Schein, author, and CEO of MicroFame Media, knows a lot about that, and in fact, he’s created his own secret society that we’ll be discussing in this ep…

Listen · 1:02:46
Doing The Right Thing: Ella F. Washington, Phd, On Taking The Necessary Journey &Raquo; Living A Life In Full Thumbnail
Doing the Right Thing: Ella F. Washington, PhD, on Taking The Necessary Journey

Quiet quitting has become quite topical in the media as of late. But perhaps the real story is quiet FIRING. That refers to an employer who doesn't give raises, or doesn’t provide promotion opportun…

Quiet quitting has b…

Quiet quitting has become quite topical in the media as of late. But perhaps the real story is quiet FIRING. That refers to an employer who doesn't give raises, or doesn’t provide promotion opportunities. Or they slight team members and actually diminish or stall their employees’ professional growth. Everyone, both personally and professionally, wants to feel seen, and heard. Some employers struggle to listen in order to learn, and inadvertently cause their staff to shut down. And this can be in spite of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice and Belonging programs being in place. Harmful …

Listen · 45:29


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