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May 8th, 2024

Bonus Episode-The Art of Adventure in Middle-Grade Literature with Author Geoffrey Wells

  1. Bonus Episode-The Art of Adventure in Middle-Grade Literature with Author Geoffrey Wells Sara Gullihur-Bradford aka SJ Childs 40:11

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Once upon a time, Geoffrey Wells went from orchestrating the airwaves as a broadcasting executive to spinning tales as a full-time writer. This episode invites you into a riveting chat with Geoffrey, who takes us on a journey through his literary metamorphosis and the vibrant worlds he creates for middle-grade readers. Channeling his childhood, steeped in the written word thanks to his father's influence, Geoffrey uncovers the power of storytelling and how a fleeting suggestion from his editor opened the doors to adventure-filled thrillers for younger audiences.

Amid the suspense of fiction, Geoffrey and I navigate the real-world tangle of art, technology, and wildlife conservation. We unravel a tale of a New York composer, caught in the web of cybercrime and the shadowy ivory trade, that takes readers from the comfort of the city to the heart of Africa's poaching crisis. In our discourse, we cross over into the realm of audio adaptations, exploring the terrain of bringing stories like “The Drowning Bay” to life, where the stakes of environmental activism are as high as the tides that threaten to engulf us all.

Wrapping up our exchange, the episode honors the profound impact of children's literature in nurturing empathy and Resilience in young minds. I get personal, sharing my experience writing poetic tales for children like my autistic son and dyslexic daughter, aiming to lay the foundations of an 'inner home' of courage and authenticity. We applaud the importance of writing communities in honing one's craft and the joy of storytelling that unites us. With gratitude, we reflect on the shared journey with Geoffrey Wells and the anticipation of fostering connections with listeners like you, who seek the depth of the written and spoken narrative.

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Sara Bradford Podcaster, aka SJ Childs

Sara Bradford is an Autistic woman and advocate and is the CEO of SJ Childs LLC, an autism consulting business to support families. She is a member of the Autism Council of Utah and also the owner of FB Autism Advocates Support Group. She is a mother of 2, and her husband and kids are also on the autism spectrum. She is a Global Autism Speaker, as well as a Podcast Host-The SJ Childs Show Podcast. She continues to strengthen her community through local university and hospital Autism partnerships, police training, corporate autism training programs, and more. Sara is a children's book author, pen name SJ Childs. Subjects such as autism, dyslexia, physical differences, anxiety, and more. Helping children understand themselves and support their peers with neurodiverse needs. Encouraging love and inclusion in every situation.

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