Wednesday - March 26th, 2025
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A New Chin And Handling Holidays With Kin – E66

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Rick and Clancy DentonA New Chin And Handling Holidays With Kin - E66
  1. A New Chin And Handling Holidays With Kin - E66 Rick and Clancy Denton 37:49

Clancy gives us a post op recap. Rick talks about the surgery and recovery from his perspective. We discuss some advice columns dealing with holidays and handling family situations.

Dr Rana Facial Plastic Surgery:


0:00 Introduction and Clancy’s Post-Surgery Recovery

3:35 Details of the Surgery

8:00 First Night at Home

12:00 Bandage Removal and Initial Observations

16:00 Caregiver Experience

20:00 Grocery Store Visit

22:00 Advice column reactions segment Introduction

25:00 Advice column reactions Holiday Stress and Family Dynamics

30:00 Advice column reactions Gifts and In-Laws

35:00 Advice column reactions Insurance Policies and Family Conflicts

37:00 Conclusion and Future Plans

#Relationships #marriage #recreation #podcast #EmptyNesters #EmptyNesting #Lifeafterkidsleave #Transitiontoanemptynest #Parentingjourney #Reinventingourselves #Newchapterinlife #Emptynestchallenges #Findingpurpose #Rediscoveringhobbies #Relationshipafterkids #Self-discovery #Preparingforanemptynest #Reconnectingasacouple #Growingtogetherafterkidsleave #Familydynamicsafterkidsleave #Supportsystemsforemptynesters #Tipsforsuccessfulemptynesting

Rick Denton The Loud Quiet

Rick & Clancy have been enjoying life together for 28 years...married for 24. Starting August 2023, they now have two college aged kiddos and are about to enter a new phase of life. The house is quieter than's a loud quiet, indeed. Join them as they laugh, cry and yes, probably argue while trying to figure out how to live the empty nest - new adventures / challenges await!


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