How to be your grandkid's FAVOURITE grandparent.
Times have changed since you were a parent. Gramps Jeffrey shares tips on connecting with your grandkids in fun and meaningful ways.
Marc Joseph's website
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DebraJones Empowerment Healing
Debra Jones RM is the producer and host of OWN THE GREY podcast about HEALTHY AGING in body, mind and spirit. Debra's mission is to dispel the myth that aging is undesirable, and set new, positive, healthy attitudes to reinstate the reverence it deserves! She is an award-winning holistic health professional, teacher, mentor and author of The Successful Healer: A Practical Guide for Holistic Health Practitioners. Known as 'The Healer's Healer' she shares her learning and wisdom with health practitioners to help them evolve personally and professionally to affect real change. is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.