ICYMI- Originally published April 2023: Today, we are honored to have a special guest, an award-winning Irish cellist, and advocate of environmental regeneration, Clíodhna Ní Aodáin. Following her highly successful albums “The Celtic Cello” and “Celtic Rituals”, Clíodhna presents her inspired single “Full Circle – Cellos for Trees”.
This single is not just a beautiful piece of music, but a call to action to plant 10,000 trees initiated by Clíodhna and Brenda Neece, founder of The Cello Museum. Their vision is to create a music video project that invites cellists from all over the world to participate in creating a virtual forest of cellos and trees. But before we dive deeper into this project, let’s take a moment to connect with Clíodhna’s roots.
Clíodhna’s Roots:
Drawing on her background in classical and improvised music, Clíodhna opens an acoustic portal to another realm. As a solo artist, she melds contemporary and traditional styles to create a new genre that evokes the atmosphere of the Otherworld. Her music not only delights the senses but touches the soul. Clíodhna’s passion for music and nature are intertwined, and her music reflects this beautifully.
Connecting to Nature:
The early Celtic people cherished Nature and had a sacred reverence for their environment, an awareness that sadly has become displaced in our modern culture. With the track “Full Circle – Cellos for Trees” released on Earth Day 2023, Clíodhna encourages her listeners to renew their appreciation of our precious earth. So take a deep breath, connect with the earth beneath your feet, and allow Clíodhna’s music to transport you to a place of serenity and connection.
Dear friends, prepare to be transported to a world of musical magic and poetic wonder. She comes to us with a gift of words and music, a rare treat for the soul.
Cliodhna will take us on a journey beyond words and into the realm of emotion. As she reads poetry with her music as the perfect accompaniment, we will be awed and inspired by the beauty of her art.
So close your eyes, let the music wash over you, and allow Cliodhna’s voice to lead you to a place of pure wonder. For when she plays, the world is set alight with the flames of her passion, and her poetry sings with the voice of the divine.
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