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June 30th, 2024

From Caregiver to CEO: Secrets of Success

Discover Kathleen’s success secrets from a former family Caregiver turned CEO and inventor. Learn about her post-caregiving journey and how she turned her passion and innovation into a thriving business.

Caregivers, have you ever poured your heart into caring for someone you love and then…boom? A brilliant idea strikes! That’s the magic we explore on The Engines Off, Dreams On podcast.

In this podcast, AECorner co-founders, Cindy and Christina chat with incredible entrepreneurs, designers, and inventors who found their paths to success while navigating the challenges of caregiving. Each episode is a journey of Resilience, of turning struggle into something amazing, like a life-changing piece of adaptive equipment.

Listen to The Engines Off, Dreams On podcast and be empowered by the stories that ignite change! Visit the AEC Network on YouTube here:

#CaregiverInnovation #caregivers #FromCaregivertoCEO #familycaregiver #CaregivingTriumphs #caregiving #EnginesOffDreamsOn #aecorner

Cindy graduated in 1992 with a Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy from Washington University in St Louis, MO. The majority of her career has been spent in Home Healthcare. Her passion is to assist people in maintaining their independence, especially when it makes the difference in their ability to remain in their home.

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