Tuesday - October 22nd, 2024
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Bill Becker Career Consultant

Bill Becker spent 35+ years in marketing and Technology sales. Focusing on non-traditional revenue streams, he opened new markets and developed multiple programs to land multi-million dollar clients. He first started evangelizing about sales careers after spearheading the retraining of workers affected by the 9/11 layoffs.

Bill has spoken at the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals annual conference in Washington, D.C.

Bill will also be offering a self-study course tied to his book. For more information visit - https://thejobnobodydreamsof.com/

When not promoting sales careers, Bill writes and performs comedy and advocates for permanent solutions to homelessness. You can learn about those efforts at - https://connectthedots.cc/

Recent Content

Creating Her Own Job &Raquo; Mypicrev
Creating Her Own Job

As my fans (both of them) know, I am a big believer in the ability of creating your own sales job. I did it a couple times in my career and have a course that will teach you how to do it yourself…gu…

As my fans (both of …

As my fans (both of them) know, I am a big believer in the ability of creating your own sales job. I did it a couple times in my career and have a course that will teach you how to do it yourself…guaranteed! So it goes without saying that I am always looking for stories about others who have created their own sales job. Earlier this week I learned about Zoreen Kabani who started out in Finance but realized that’s not what she wanted to do as a career. She wanted to do something creative. What I loved about Zoreen’s story is that she didn’t create a job and then ‘sell’ it to an esta…

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Sales Careers…Best Option For Reentry Individuals! &Raquo; Mypicrev
Sales Careers…Best option for Reentry individuals!

One of the reasons I chose to evangelize about sales careers when I retired is the wonderful life a career in sales gave me. When I was at the lowest point of my life, a new sales job allowed me to re…

One of the reasons I…

One of the reasons I chose to evangelize about sales careers when I retired is the wonderful life a career in sales gave me. When I was at the lowest point of my life, a new sales job allowed me to rebuild my life, and go on to help others.  A job in sales is the one job that you can land, even if a company isn’t hiring! It’s also a career where you can actually go out and create your own sales job and then ‘sell’ it to the company of your choosing. I know what I speak of, I did both of these things during my career. There is a national movement called Reentry 2030 which is a national…

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Want To Be A Great Salesperson? Do This! &Raquo; Download 4
Want to be a great Salesperson? Do This!

In my last post I talked about the importance of writing, this time I am going to talk about a vastly underutilized technique to be a great salesperson. Interviewing. No, not that interviewing, the on…

In my last post I ta…

In my last post I talked about the importance of writing, this time I am going to talk about a vastly underutilized technique to be a great salesperson. Interviewing. No, not that interviewing, the one where you ask the questions! Know who this guy is? You probably don’t, but you sure the hell know his movies. Judd Apatow is one of the greatest comedy writers/producers in history. Some of his masterpieces include:Anchorman Talladega Nights Bridesmaids Step BrothersOK you get the idea. Know how he got his start? By interviewing comics in high school. He worked at the high school radio …

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The Importance Of Writing &Raquo; Mypicrev
The Importance of Writing

Why Writing is Crucial for Salespeople There are so many hacks and frameworks and “tips & tricks” for salespeople, sometimes the obvious gets overlooked. In today’s digitally-driven world, writi…

Why Writing is Cruci…

Why Writing is Crucial for Salespeople There are so many hacks and frameworks and “tips & tricks” for salespeople, sometimes the obvious gets overlooked. In today’s digitally-driven world, writing is an indispensable skill for salespeople. It is not just about pitching a product or service; it’s about crafting compelling messages that resonate with potential customers and drive them to take action. Here’s why writing is so important in sales: 1. First Impressions Matter Your initial communication with a prospect often happens through written mediums such as emails, LinkedIn messages,…

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Workforce Retraining And Sales Careers &Raquo; Mypicrev
Workforce Retraining and Sales Careers

I saw a question posed, “What is a healthy unemployment rate?” The answer was between 3 and 5%. Today (July 9. 2024) it stands at 4.1%, which is allegedly healthy, but tell that to the 6 million a…

I saw a question pos…

I saw a question posed, “What is a healthy unemployment rate?” The answer was between 3 and 5%. Today (July 9. 2024) it stands at 4.1%, which is allegedly healthy, but tell that to the 6 million adults who can’t find a job.  You might have also heard about all the jobs that go unfilled, that “Nobody wants to work anymore.” That’s such BS, nobody wants to work at crappy low paying jobs. According to the Bureau of Labor statistics, the industry with the most openings is…Education. Yeah I wonder why?  When you have right-wing extremists harassing teachers and siphoning off tax dol…

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Podcast Appearances &Raquo; Mypicrev
Podcast Appearances

I have been fortunate to be a guest on numerous podcasts evangelizing about sales careers and careers in general. I also often get to speak about my other project on homeless initiatives. This post ho…

I have been fortunat…

I have been fortunate to be a guest on numerous podcasts evangelizing about sales careers and careers in general. I also often get to speak about my other project on homeless initiatives. This post hosts the links to each of those podcast recordings. I know I make an amazing guest and offer life altering advice, just don’t make a big deal about it, OK?Pandora’s Awareness Podcast with Asher – May 3, 2024 Digital Trailblazers with Leah Getts – May 16, 2024 SalesTV.live with Rob Durant – June 4, 2024 The Price of Time with Luke Tatum – June 19, 2024 The School of Heritage with TOPPE…

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It’s Not You – It’s Me &Raquo; Mypicrev
It’s Not You – It’s Me

It’s always been about me! As I have spent that past year-and-a-half evangelizing about sales careers, I get to share my motto, I didn’t selling anything, I figured shit out. Sometimes, depending …

It’s always been a…

It’s always been about me! As I have spent that past year-and-a-half evangelizing about sales careers, I get to share my motto, I didn’t selling anything, I figured shit out. Sometimes, depending on the audience, I would have to clean it and substitute “stuff” for “shit” but everyone got the idea. I would go on and say that I never convinced anyone that they needed my service to deliver hands-on labs for software training. Instead, I found those who were already in the market and convinced them I was the best option. Not my product. Not my company. ME! Lord William Steele Becker II…

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&Raquo; Mypicrev

I have always been a proponent of never applying online, talking to a recruiter or HR. All those routes are just ways to weed people out, in essence all they can say is, “No.” Applying online (AI …

I have always been a…

I have always been a proponent of never applying online, talking to a recruiter or HR. All those routes are just ways to weed people out, in essence all they can say is, “No.” Applying online (AI bots), Recruiters, Hiring Managers, etc. don’t know anything about how sales works, why would you leave your future in their hands?!? I also talk a lot about being unemployed and underemployed, even making a case that being unemployed is better mentally. If you don’t have a job, at least you have hope that once you do land a job, everything will be OK. If you are underemployed, busting your as…

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Figure $&Amp;!T Out &Raquo; Mypicrev
Figure $&!T Out

Sahil Bloom recently had a Twitter post (see below) that spoke volumes to me…it was about things he wished he knew about sooner concerning work. Each of those 9 points were brilliant, but I want to …

Sahil Bloom recently…

Sahil Bloom recently had a Twitter post (see below) that spoke volumes to me…it was about things he wished he knew about sooner concerning work. Each of those 9 points were brilliant, but I want to focus on #6…cause that was literally my motto. I always said, I don’t sell anything, I figure shit out.  I didn’t try to convince anyone they needed my service, instead I found prospects who were already in the market and showed them why I was the best option…even more so than the company I worked for…by figuring shit out.  That’s what a lot of sales is about, especially Enterprise s…

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Are You A Screw Up? &Raquo; 1F607
Are You a Screw Up?

There’s this guy I know, Todd Brison who is Tim Denning’s partner. Todd writes a lot about writing. Yeah that sounds redundant but Todd is great at writing about writing. I’ve bought several of …

There’s this guy I…

There’s this guy I know, Todd Brison who is Tim Denning’s partner. Todd writes a lot about writing. Yeah that sounds redundant but Todd is great at writing about writing. I’ve bought several of his courses. Todd recently wrote about guru’s and failure and had a great point. Everyone wants to teach you all the tricks to success so you won’t fail…but that’s just not realistic. Here’s Todd’s take…Modern technology stripped a preposterous* amount of failure out of life. One example: When you go on a road trip, you have almost zero chance of failure. I use GPS to drive to Flor…

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Don’t Ask – Don’t Sell &Raquo; Mypicrev
Don’t Ask – Don’t Sell

Hockey legend Wayne Gretzky said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” The implication is clear…if you do not try…you will not succeed This is true in sales where if you don’t ask…

Hockey legend Wayne …

Hockey legend Wayne Gretzky said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” The implication is clear…if you do not try…you will not succeed This is true in sales where if you don’t ask for the sale you can’t get the sale. It’s also true in everyday life. There have been instances in my life where I wanted to meet someone but it seemed far-fetched that they would would make time for someone they didn’t know. So I asked. There was a billionaire entrepreneur who I admired. I saw him at a speaker’s convention but was a little intimidated and didn’t get the courage to go u…

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Bill Shakespeare Was Right! &Raquo; 1F60A
Bill Shakespeare Was Right!

William Shakespeare (Bill to his friends) said, It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. I have often said if I had a time machine, I would go back in time to the late 1500s to ear…

William Shakespeare …

William Shakespeare (Bill to his friends) said, It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. I have often said if I had a time machine, I would go back in time to the late 1500s to early 1600s and throat-punch Shakespeare for talking so weirdly. I went to too many school plays where I didn’t understand what the hell they were saying…but I digress.  The dude however is point is spot on…no one should not blame God or some other uncontrollable force for how their life turns out. You have a certain amount of power to make your life better. There are ways to work for a better…

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The Sales Tactic Your Boss Hates &Raquo; Mypicrev
The Sales Tactic Your Boss Hates

I am not normally prone to BS headlines like I used for this post, but I wear my emotions on my sleeve and speak pretty plainly. One of the things I knew I would focus on when I retired was to evangel…

I am not normally pr…

I am not normally prone to BS headlines like I used for this post, but I wear my emotions on my sleeve and speak pretty plainly. One of the things I knew I would focus on when I retired was to evangelize about sales careers. The difference is that I was always going to focus on WHY someone should become a salesperson. I wasn’t going to focus on the HOW to sell. You could make a case that I am crossing over the line in this post, and I wouldn’t argue with you. Please indulge me for this one because it’s important. It’s less than a selling tip and more of a career aspiration you should s…

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How Do You Like Me Now – Power Of Negative Thinking &Raquo; Mypicrev
How Do You Like Me Now – Power of Negative Thinking

Country singer Toby Keith recently passed away. I remember watching the biography of country singer Toby Keith recently and was intrigued by the controversy of his song, “How Do You Like Me Now?”…

Country singer Toby …

Country singer Toby Keith recently passed away. I remember watching the biography of country singer Toby Keith recently and was intrigued by the controversy of his song, “How Do You Like Me Now?” It’s about a guy who couldn’t get the attention of his dream girl in high school. The guy ultimately becomes rich and famous and the song is basically a declaration of “in your face girls!” There are all kinds of motivation…positive and negative. Bill Bartmann, who was a famous (infamous?) entrepreneur wrote in his book about  “personal motivators.” The example he gave of a negativ…

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To Manifesto Or Not &Raquo; Mypicrev
To Manifesto or Not

Many of you know about my homeless initiative…if not you can learn about it over at ConnectTheDots.cc. I’ve been working on my manifesto for over a year in a Google doc. The other day I was searc…

Many of you know abo…

Many of you know about my homeless initiative…if not you can learn about it over at ConnectTheDots.cc. I’ve been working on my manifesto for over a year in a Google doc. The other day I was searching for that doc and typed “my manifesto” into what I thought was the Google Docs search bar. Turns out the search was in Google itself and I saw a bunch of items for writing your own manifesto. That got me thinking, if you are selling anything, a solution to the homeless problem a technology solution, or any product or service, it would be a great idea to develop a manifesto to guide you and…

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Be A Weirdo Make A Lot Of Money &Raquo; Mypicrev
Be a Weirdo Make a Lot of Money

Tim Denning recently wrote an article titled, “If You Fit In, You Are Replaceable.” It wasn’t geared towards salespeople but it absolutely applies. Take my career for example. I started out sell…

Tim Denning recently…

Tim Denning recently wrote an article titled, “If You Fit In, You Are Replaceable.” It wasn’t geared towards salespeople but it absolutely applies. Take my career for example. I started out selling radio advertising. I had spent the few years selling radio ads to traditional customers like car dealers and furniture stores. I wanted to separate myself from all the other radio salespeople, including the ones at my own station. So I figured out what kinds of businesses weren’t being targeted. I also wanted to do “direct response” advertising.  What is direct response advertising? It…

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Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? &Raquo; Mypicrev
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

That’s the title of a post I did 15 years ago on a old Type Pad blog that I found is still active. Here’s the crazy part, everything in that post is still relevant (I never went or go for fads in …

That’s the title o…

That’s the title of a post I did 15 years ago on a old Type Pad blog that I found is still active. Here’s the crazy part, everything in that post is still relevant (I never went or go for fads in business). The post references an article in the Wall Street Journal about the overbuilding of warehouses in Phoenix. Ummmm…..there’s a massive commercial Real Estate bubble happening right now. Take a look at the post below and see that the same opportunities in 2009 for creative sales people…How would you like to get a check for a million dollars? Maybe 2 million or 3 million dollars. Yo…

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Found Out I Was Wealthy Today &Raquo; Mypicrev
Found Out I Was Wealthy Today

I learned I was wealthy today. I came across this article about “Bookshelf Wealth” and how people love to display their books. That’s me….guilty as charged! To no one’s surprise there are pe…

I learned I was weal…

I learned I was wealthy today. I came across this article about “Bookshelf Wealth” and how people love to display their books. That’s me….guilty as charged! To no one’s surprise there are people who love the term and others who went off. I am a simple person, I just love books and love displaying them. It started out with me displaying books that I had got autographed by the author. James Andrew Miller is my favorite author and has written books about some of the things I love, ESPN, Saturday Night Live to name just two. I found his email address and reached out and asked if I sent h…

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