Becoming Whole
I am a fan of Linda Joy Myers’ work and was all too happy to have the chance to peruse her gentle words of
Wisdom; they are always delivered through such soothing prose. When we put our thoughts, our loves, our disappointments and our hopes on paper they move to claim their rightful place in our lives and we stumble into the meaning of who we are. Becoming Whole is handed to us by Myers in an attempt to bring us face to face with the pieces of our lives that weigh heavily, interrupt emotional
Growth, have caused sadness and confusion, and are calling for further exploration. She teaches how to heal through the writing of memoirs, gracefully bringing us along in an appreciation for the “stuff” our lives are made of so that we can give it shape and allow it to give us strength.
This book is a must to have on hand for any writer, fledgling or experienced; it is superbly written and organized, and offers the reader multiple avenues for spurring creativity: instruction on Meditation, visualization and the quelling of that “inner critic.” I loved everything about this book; its appendix covering topics like “Quick Reminders When You Think You’re Stuck” and the “Developmental Questionnaire” rounds out the book and tenderly encourages the writer (and reader) to continue on their personal quest to find wholeness and healing. Myers refuses to let us give up on ourselves. Becoming Whole is a wonderful gift.
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