“How do you meet more of the right people when networking?”
I was just having a conversation with a new friend who’s recently started networking, and she wanted to know how to maximize her results.
While I was giving her some tips, I realized there are probably lots of people in my community who could use these strategies, so I decided to share them here.
If you want to get more referrals, Relationships, and cash from your networking, use these 5 steps:
1. Go with the intent to collaborate, not sell.
Stephanie O’Brien is a coaching program design specialist, novelist, and editor with over 20 years of writing experience, and 11 years of experience in coaching and ghostwriting for coaches.
She loves giving entrepreneurs specific, actionable tips they can start using right away to attract more clients, create life-changing coaching programs, and enjoy more confidence and time freedom.
She wrote her first novel when she was 12, and has written 14 novels, 2 business training books, and numerous articles on the topics of coaching program creation, marketing, mindset, and time management.
BabyBoomer.org is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.