One reader suggested I talk about one of the most personally painful scams. This one is worse than losing Money or feeling embarrassed.
This one is close to being personally violated in addition to losing money.
This is the Facebook or other social network scam where someone reaches out to a single person, a woman usually, and over time creates a close bond. A woman can also scam a man, or it can even be a gay pairing.
The man or woman might be single, divorced, or widowed. They are easy targets to find because there may be an announcement about a divorce party or a funeral announcement on social media.
Friends will comment, “I am so happy he is out of your life.” Or, “ I wish you the deepest condolence for your loss.”
One reader wrote to me and said her cousin fell for the “fake boyfriend” scheme.
Her cousin’s husband passed away in early 2021 and she was contacted by a guy on Facebook. He came on probably by being supportive and offering to fly out to meet her in person.
Some of these fake boyfriends are often in jail and have plenty of time on their hands and can have multiple “girlfriends” or future “brides.”
The typical story moves to something happening and he cannot fly out to meet. There may have been a business reversal or family emergency, and now he needs some money to fly out for a meeting in person If the new girlfriend will just loan him the flight money then he can book the airfare.
It usually starts out with just a small loan, like a couple of thousand dollars. With a promise that it will be paid back as soon as they meet or it will be paid back when some event happens and the money comes in.
Here is a link to a website about the Tinder Swindler, Simon Leviev, who took several women for hundreds of thousands of dollars: Tinder Swindler: The Most Controversial Romance Scam of the Century? – DatingScout
If you don’t think you would fall for this scam, think again. Please do not ever, and I mean never, loan money to someone you met online who can tug at your heartstrings.
To Your Prosperity,
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The post Romance Scammers (Beware of Scammers – Part Three) first appeared on Rennie Gabriel.