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The Scoop on Making Your Company More Inclusive: A Friendly Guide

The Scoop On Making Your Company More Inclusive: A Friendly Guide &Raquo; Screenshot2023 08 036.41.41Am

Via Pixabay

So, you’ve somehow landed on this page—could you be a trailblazer looking to inject a massive dose of inclusivity into your company? You’re in the right place, my friend! See, inclusivity isn’t just another boardroom buzzword. It’s a lifestyle and philosophy with the magical power to skyrocket productivity, light the creative spark, and make everyone feel like they matter. You’re about to dip your toes into this fantastic inclusivity thing. So, grab that cappuccino, fluff up your favorite armchair pillow, and set this inclusivity train in motion!

Inclusivity: The Real McCoy 

Right, so the first order of business is establishing a real sense of inclusivity. No, we’re not talking about just putting a rainbow sticker on your company logo and calling it a day. We’re discussing creating a space where every employee feels seen, heard, and cherished, regardless of their personal story. Now, this isn’t a switch you can flip on a whim—it’s a process that starts with open, honest conversations. Not just once a blue moon, but every single day until inclusivity is as natural a part of your company culture as your communal disdain for Monday mornings.

Job Listings: An Inclusivity Masterclass 

Do you know where inclusivity kicks off? Even before a potential employee steps through the office doors. It starts with your job ads. Ensuring these little gateways to your company don’t inadvertently shut anyone out is critical. Let your job listings beam with your company’s commitment to inclusivity. Because your company can only be as diverse as its team members, right?

Flushing out Prejudices through Training 

A well-thought-out training program on diversity and inclusivity can help wash away those pesky unconscious biases and promote cultural understanding. But remember, this isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon—a long, rewarding journey of learning, evolving, and growing together.

Workers’ Compensation & Disabilities: A Match Made in Inclusivity Heaven 

Workers Compensation often seems like the awkward kid in the inclusivity conversation—but not today! Ensuring anyone injured gets the necessary support, like medical coverage and lost wages, is paramount. But let’s think bigger—imagine creating a workplace where employees with disabilities can truly flourish. Maybe it’s about flexible work schedules, or perhaps it’s about implementing assistive technology. The critical thing to remember is that having a disability isn’t a measure of one’s capabilities.

Racial Inclusivity

Inclusivity isn’t merely about ensuring you have diverse faces in the office. It’s about creating a springboard of opportunities for all, regardless of race or ethnicity. This means taking those racial biases by the horns and instigating policies that promote fairness everywhere, from who gets promoted to who gets what paycheck.

Mental Health: The Silent Crusader for Inclusivity 

Mental health is often uncomfortable in the room, but we’re breaking those barriers here. It’s time we integrate mental health into our company’s wellness programs. This could mean offering resources like counseling services and creating an environment where everyone feels safe to talk about their mental health. A quick reminder: Mental health days are just as vital as those for physical ailments!

Feedback: The Magic Potion for Inclusivity 

You are coming up next on our inclusivity hit list—feedback! If you’re committed to being inclusive, you must lend your people an ear. Foster a culture of anonymous feedback around inclusivity, and most importantly, be willing to act on it. This not only tells your employees they’re heard, but it also creates room for collective growth.

The Joy of Celebrating Diversity: Let’s Get This Party Started! 

And you know what? Let’s remember the sheer joy of celebrating diversity! It’s easy to get buried in policies, training, and all the serious stuff, but we’re all humans, not corporate bots! Planning events celebrating different cultures, traditions, and milestones can be enjoyable to promote inclusivity. Picture multicultural potlucks, a Pride Month office parade, or an Office Olympics where everyone’s a winner. It’s about creating shared experiences, learning from one another, and, most importantly—having a riot of a time! This will foster a more positive workplace vibe and let everyone bring their true, authentic selves to work. So, are you ready to get this diversity party popping?

So, there we have it! Turning your company into an inclusivity powerhouse may be challenging, but trust us, it’s worth it. By threading inclusivity through every aspect of your company—from the job ads you publish to how you handle workers’ Compensation—you’re crafting a space where everyone feels like they belong. Not only does this feel good for the soul, but it’s also fantastic for business!

Originally Published on

Michael Levitt Chief Burnout Officer

Michael D. Levitt is the founder & Chief Burnout Officer of The Breakfast Leadership Network, a San Diego and Toronto-based burnout consulting firm. He is a Keynote speaker on The Great Resignation, Quiet Quitting and Burnout. He is the host of the Breakfast Leadership show, a Certified NLP and CBT Therapist, a Fortune 500 consultant, and author of his latest book BURNOUT PROOF.

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