‘Love’ is a word that only recently has crept into our workplace vocabulary. And it’s an appropriate addition! Sustainable satisfaction and success demand work that people love. In many ways, effective leadership is a profound expression of love – love of learning and love of the organization and the people whose lives leaders affect on a daily basis.
So, this month, in honor of Valentine’s Day, our Carnival will focus on what leaders can do to help others – and themselves – to love their work… and the results that follow. I know you’re going to love the insightful articles contributed by 26 top authors and thought leaders.
Are you looking for more ways to spread the love? Join me for my first LinkedIn Live Audio Event On Valentine’s Day at 10:00 PT, I’ll be moderating “What’s LOVE Got to Do with LEADERSHIP?”, a 30-minute conversation with my friends and thought leaders, Bev Kaye and Mike Vacanti. Please register to join us.
With February around the corner, I start to really think about the LOVE word. My daughters are in the dog training and boarding business, so I decided to tap their experience as well as the folks on my team (all have dogs) and ask the question that is in the title of this article! I received so many wonderful responses that I know I’m going to have to think wider and deeper about that subject. I also remember being in a number of organizations that encourage dogs to come to work…the atmosphere was always playful, and it always ignited the smile factor. This article is the culmination of those interviews. Connect with Beverly on Twitter @BeverlyLKaye.
As Valentine’s Day approaches messages of love are everywhere. From commercials to billboards to leadership blog posts. When I think about love, I can’t help but reflect on my grandmother. I hope you enjoy reading about her too. Connect with Bill on Twitter @btreasurer
Have you considered how much of a leader’s work is relational in nature? That is why a reflection about love and the influence it can have on leadership is so important. Connect with Ken on LinkedIn.
New ideas, Innovation, breakthroughs, and key conversations happen in the Land of And. Are you in love with your thinking or do you need to shift to possibility thinking? This is your time, your life, and your dream. What do you want and how are you going to get there? Connect with Angela on Twitter @AngelaJHummel.
As a leader, you fall in love with what you do and the people you serve. Then you discover people you serve love what they do and you. It is a glorious feeling when these align. There is no Stress because everyone is working hard for and with love. Connect with Brenda on Twitter @BrendaYoho.
My beloved brothers send me amaryllis bulbs every year for the holidays. The life cycle of the flowers is short but recently I discovered that I can replant the bulbs and with some love and patience they will bloom again! Connect with Eileen on Twitter @macdarling.
Managers don’t get a lot of love in our world, and that’s a problem. Developing as a manager who leads, guides, coaches, teaches, and of course, helps create results is hard work, and there’s precious little guidance for those stepping up to this tough job. The Manager’s Operating System offers a framework and guidance for Growth and success. Connect with Art on Twitter @artpetty.
“Love doesn’t have an expiration date.” Connect with Frank on Twitter @FSonnenberg.
Why don’t we take action if something is wrong? This blocked response is based on our dominant story and culture. However, if we believe in another story – we can take action for a more positive future. Connect with Marcella on Twitter @MarcellaBremer.
For as much effort as leaders and organizations put into mentoring women into greater positions of authority, we should see more women in middle and executive leadership. I believe mentoring needs an upgrade. Too often, female and male mentors, both, unconsciously pass on (through their own experience) biases and tropes no longer true to their protégés and mentees. Time to replace those tropes with some empowering truths about women in leadership. Connect with Dana on Twitter @DanaTheus.
How am I doing as a leader today? What’ll it take for me to get better? How will I make it happen? These are the questions every leader should be regularly asking themselves on their journey to continuous improvement. Answering these questions can help you successfully create a structured development plan to take your leadership skills to the next level. Connect with Jon on Twitter @jonlokhorst.
What does it truly take to be a great leader in the current business environment? The definition of an exceptional leader has changed. Through our quantitative research of more than 750,000 leaders and employees inside some of the world’s leading organizations, and in the many focus groups we conduct every year, we’ve identified these 11 attributes of great leaders that matter most to employees today. Connect with David on Twitter @ThoughtPartner.
The time to act is now. There is no better time than now to start doing what you love. Start working on what you have been planning to do for your life now. If you wait for another time you may just miss the opportunity. Connect with Henry on Twitter @HenryMukuti.
In every corner of society, we are faced with rudeness, disrespect, and insensitive behavior. According to experts, it’s getting worse. Business leaders can’t stop rude treatment across their communities. What leaders can do, though, is ensure that incivility does not happen in their companies. Connect with Chris on Twitter @scedmonds.
“As we embark on this new year, all small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) need to set targets for improvement – the stakes are high. What methods are effective in maximizing your business in the new year?” Connect with Jon on Twitter @jonverbeck1.
When it comes to pursuing our goals, all too often our motivation flames out long before we reach what we were aiming for. The way to get there is by creating a slow burn. Here’s how to light a fire that will last. Connect with Ken on Twitter @RapidStartLdr.
“I love the term “LOYALTY ANCHORS.” Anchors are what keep expensive ships from floating away when the winds change. And as a business owner or manager, one of your primary goals is likely to retain top talent and inspire loyalty among your employees. This not only ensures the continued success of your company, but also helps to create a positive and productive work environment.” Connect with Sean on Twitter @leadyourteam.
In keeping with the “love” theme for February, our team was “head over heels’ for this blog written by Mary Ila Ward. “If you aren’t enjoying at least some of what you’re striving towards, why are you doing it? Sometimes enjoyment comes in the process of doing something and sometimes it comes in the outcome, and hopefully in both, but if you can’t be clear about why you are doing something and how it is going to contribute to your overall well-being, in my opinion, it isn’t worth doing.” Connect with Mary on Twitter @maryilaward.
Love abounds on Valentine’s Day – flowers. chocolates, intimate dinners, champagne, warm and woolly cards, and more. What better way to convey the sentiment than through effective communication? It’s easy to be positive and loving when things are going well; the challenge is how to communicate with love and candor when things are going poorly? This blog focuses on five key factors to employ this Valentine’s Day and beyond! Connect with Diana on Twitter @DianaPMAuthor.
Strong Relationships grow with effective communication. Robyn McLeod of Thoughtful Leaders Blog presents 3 tips to more powerful and Thoughtful communication where she shares three techniques that not only help us develop Thoughtful Leadership but pave the way for better relationships in work and in love. Connect with Robyn on Twitter @ThoughtfulLdrs.
Telling people what they need to do is a common, annoying habit. This post will help improve your relationships by releasing the judgment that people need your help. Connect with Marcia on Twitter @marciareynolds.
Does our personality control how much we trust others? That’s the question Randy Conley explores in this post that examines how the four main temperaments influence our willingness to extend trust. Connect with Randy on Twitter @RandyConley.
I don’t make New Year’s resolutions or set goals for the next year. Here’s what I do instead Connect with Wally on Twitter @WallyBock.
“Top Gun: Maverick” impressed most viewers with its aviation wizardry and the competitive tension among teammates. But it was in a silent exchange that the movie spoke about something equally powerful: “I want to talk about work.” Connect with Mary on Twitter at @voiceofhr.
Turning people on to teamwork means creating those conditions that allow people to meet their personal needs by performing the work themselves. Instead of motivation, what drives people forward is commitment, in which their energy is directed towards a goal. Connect with John on Twitter @aJohnHunter.
As Valentine’s Day approaches, love is in the air. And while this whole topic is highly charged in today’s workplace, there’s a brand of ‘love’ that’s not only appropriate but also necessary in our contemporary business environment—one that can drive engagement, job satisfaction, and bottom-line results. Connect with Julie on Twitter @Julie_WG.
Photos by Leon on Unsplash, Thought Catalog on Unsplash, Christina Morillo from Pexels, Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels, Fauxels from Pexels, Christina Morillo from Pexels, Rodeo Project Management Software on Unsplash.
The post February 2023 Leadership Development Carnival appeared first on Julie Winkle Giulioni.