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This is a nationwide effort to raise awareness that falls ARE preventable.

September 18-24, 2022 Is National Falls Prevention Week! &Raquo; Trip Fall National Stats
September 18-24, 2022 Is National Falls Prevention Week! &Raquo; Trip Fall Costs

These national trip and fall statistics are startling.  And what is even more jarring is that most of these are preventable!  There are many ways of reducing the risk of trips and falls in a home and using the Silver Spaces™ Home Safety Assessment is one of them.

Why the Silver Spaces™ Home Safety Assessment is such a valuable tool!

The major goal of the Silver Spaces™ home safety assessment is to identify and mitigate trip and fall risks around a home.  This unique inspection provides a 360-degree evaluation of the interior and exterior of a home and can be used by homeowners and professionals alike. The user can choose exactly what areas they want to inspect and professionals can add their logo and contact information.** 

Depending on how much of the home is assessed, this cloud-based inspection typically takes 30-45 minutes.  A report is immediately available that can be printed or saved as a .pdf. and provides targeted modification/change recommendations that can be used on a bid/quote basis.  The recommendations are in direct response to the answers to the assessment questions and the resident’s health, Lifestyle and abilities. 

The overall purpose of the assessment is to identify trip/fall and other risks and to provide guidance on creating a universal design-friendly home environment.  It is also a valuable asset for doing follow-up assessments if the health, lifestyle or mobility of the resident has changed or to see if the recommended changes have been done and what effect they have had.  Many changes are low cost (i.e. lever faucet handles, additional lighting sources, removing or tacking down area rugs, creating clean walking pathways, etc.).

It is currently being used in the U.S., Canada and the U.K. by homeowners, adult children of seniors, caregivers, home health care providers, Certified Aging in Place Specialists (CAPS), OTs, PTs, remodelers and many other professionals. It is also applicable to creating safe home environments for those affected by dementia, balance issues and limited mobility.

Be part of the nationwide effort to reduce trips and falls to create the highest quality of life possible.  Silver Spaces™ can be used anywhere, at any time and on any device.  If you are interested in a live demonstration of the assessment, please email us at and we will set up a time to provide a short in-person experience.  It will be well worth your time. 

Please visit:

In observance of Fall Prevention Awareness Week 2022, the National Council on Aging (NCOA) will be focusing many promotional efforts on the recently completed update to the Falls Free CheckUp. The Falls Free CheckUp asks 13 “yes or no” questions and only takes a few minutes to complete.

Image source: CDC

Originally Published on

Dr. Jill Bjerke Aging in Place Specialist

Creator of the very first Aging in Place mobile app Silver Spaces, Certified AIP Specialist, International AIP thought leader, author, downsizing specialist


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