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Fix Your Why – Creating Business Goals Using Billy J. Ryan’s Approach

Doug Thorpe Blog

Have you read Billy J. Ryan’s “Fix Your Why” and you want to make your company the best it can be? By aligning goals for your business with an established business strategy, setting goals helps keep everyone on your team focused on the big picture while encouraging smart decision-making among employees during daily operations.

1. Set Specific Goals

Goal setting for businesses must be specific; otherwise, their goals could easily derail. Too broad of goals may derail them altogether while too much undefined ambiguity will make it hard for leaders to know exactly which steps to take next.

Instead, an ideal goal should be “specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound”. To achieve this goal, use the SMART method of setting goals. First, write your goal down; next determine how it will be measured; third, consider its feasibility or not – for instance increasing revenue through adding new services or products could be an ambitious yet attainable goal for many in your industry.

Survival depends on setting specific business goals that drive your company’s strategy over a year as part of strategic planning. Once you have defined one, further objectives can be broken down quarterly and weekly to allow each team member to understand what contribution they are making towards achieving it and hold them accountable for reaching it – something of a challenging task, but worth it in the long run.

2. Be Specific

Goal setting for a business helps guide its strategy over an agreed-upon period, as part of strategic planning. Setting clear and attainable goals keeps you focused on long-term business success; otherwise, you could find yourself without an established strategy and struggling to generate profits.

Business goals come in all forms, from short-term to long-term, and some are ambitious. Each industry varies in this regard, so it is essential that you determine which kind of goals will work for your own.

One of the primary goals for any business is increasing sales; this goal can be measured in terms of number of customers, revenue, or other metrics. Another common goal featured in the book Find Your Why ( is increasing customer satisfaction. This can be measured via surveys, customer service calls, or other methods. Goal setting in business should be specific to gauge success or failure and teaming up will increase accountability while taking advantage of each other’s expertise.

3. Be Measurable

Business goals define the specific target that a company hopes to attain within a set time frame, enabling teams to work toward one common objective while still using different tactics – for instance, salespeople could increase individual quotas while another team develops and implements marketing strategies – two distinct methods used by individuals and teams alike to increase profitability and achieve these same company objectives.

Measurable objectives enable companies to monitor their progress and meet their objectives more easily. Companies using measurable objectives should use metrics regularly to monitor progress and identify any problems early and take necessary actions before they have an adverse effect on business operations.

Measurable objectives can also serve to boost employee morale. When people can see tangible proof that their hard work has paid off, it can increase feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction among staff members – this effect can be amplified when companies offer bonuses tied to reaching these goals.

Fix Your Why – Creating Business Goals Using Billy J. Ryan’s Approach &Raquo; Picture1

4. Be Time-Bound

Setting company-wide objectives requires taking into account a timeframe. Being able to measure and track progress over the goal period will allow you to determine whether your team is on track or needs more time working toward meeting their objective.

Time-bound goals must also be relevant to a company’s business model and overall mission. If a business aims to increase profits by 10%, various tactics may be utilized by sales staff members while marketing team members could implement an outreach strategy or increase quota.

Establishing objectives that adhere to SMART guidelines, as I mentioned above, can set businesses up for success. Doing so allows the organization to outline priorities like this and motivate its staff; when all members work toward one common destination, their company has a greater chance of meeting its desired outcomes.

5. Be Relevant

Setting achievements can help your organization stay focused on its desired outcomes and ensure everyone works towards them as a unit. When setting realistic and attainable targets, navigating challenges becomes much simpler.

People often associate achievements with long-term strategies like company expansion or hiring new employees, but achieving relevant, short-term achievements will enable you to expand more efficiently while providing added value for customers.

A relevant metric for businesses specializing in custom products would be increasing unique product views over time – it is specific, measurable, and actionable while simultaneously making sure you reach your target audience.

An important business goal to aim for is increasing the percentage of clients that choose your brand for their next project. You can track this metric through website traffic or social media engagement metrics to track this metric over time.

If you’d like to know your WHY, learn more about the WHY.os. Click Here.


The post Fix Your Why – Creating Business Goals Using Billy J. Ryan’s Approach appeared first on Business Advisor and Executive Coach | Doug Thorpe.

Small business owners will hit an invisible wall that can stall the growth of the company. The key reason there is a wall is that owners need to shift from manager to leader. The question is, how to do that?

Doug is a coach for CEOs and Senior Leadership Teams with 30 years of leadership experience. He is the president & CEO of Doug Thorpe Group. Doug is also a podcast host.

He helps owners understand the ways they need to reshape their thinking and attitude to make a successful break through the wall.


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