Did you know that our gut, begining with your mouth and ending with our butt, are the key game player in our health and wellness?How often do we ingest things, not only our food, but our thoughts, ide…
Did you know that ou…
Did you know that our gut, begining with your mouth and ending with our butt, are the key game player in our health and wellness?How often do we ingest things, not only our food, but our thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and emotions?Our guest, Emma Skilton, Well-Being Coach joins us today on Healing In Ways You Never Thought Possible, with Dr. Dolores Fazzino, Nurse Practitioner, Medical Intuitive, and Energy Whisperer, to share her healing journey overcoming a back injury and chronic fatigue with, nutrition, activity, and mindset. Learn more about Emma Skilton http://EmmaSkilton. Like us on FB and Y…