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This list is a gift for those you will leave behind…

I was cleaning out my computer and found this list. I don’t know where it came from, but it is excellent so I am passing it on for others’ consideration.

With husband Jack’s recent death, I know the Stress and confusion when these issues are not addressed.

This is a guide all would be wise to complete now (and regularly update) before the information is needed. It is a gift to those left behind.

Personal Records

  • Full legal name

  • Social Security number

  • Legal residence

  • Date and place of birth

  • Names and addresses of spouse and children, and parents’ names (specifically mother’s maiden name)

  • Birth and death certificates, certificates of marriage, divorce, citizenship, and adoption

  • Employers and dates of Employment

  • Education and military records

  • Passport

  • Durable power of attorney and medical power of attorney documents

  • Memberships in groups and awards received

  • Names and phone numbers of close friends, relatives, doctors, lawyers, and financial advisors

  • Usernames and passwords (banks, investments, social media accounts, etc.)


  • Funeral, burial, or cremation desires, with paperwork for each if you pre-planned

  • Guardianship of children (if they are not adults)

  • A living will (advance directive)

  • What becomes of pets

  • Religious contacts (names and phone numbers)

  • Obituary desires/wording/notes

  • Organ donor information

  • Memorial service notes

Financial Records

  • Banks and account numbers (checking, savings, credit union)

  • Business or Real Estate owned

  • Car title and registration

  • Credit and debit card names and numbers

  • Deed for home

  • Income and assets (Pension from employer, IRAs, 401(k)s, interest, etc.)

  • Income tax returns (the last seven years)

  • Insurance information (life, health, long-term care, home, car) with policy numbers and agents’ names and phone numbers

  • Investment income (stocks, bonds, property) and stockbrokers’ names and phone numbers

  • Medicare/Medicaid information

  •  Liabilities, including property tax — what is owed, to whom, and when payments are due

  •  Mortgages and debts — how and when they are paid

  •  Safe deposit box (location) and key

  •  Veteran’s benefits

  •  Original legal will (it is much harder to probate a copy)

Something more about… This list is a gift for those you will leave behind…

Will you share this list with those you care about? Maybe schedule a time when you will all get together and fill out each of your lists? 

If you are caring for a special person facing end of life I encourage you to get the caregiver support you need with my guide book, By Your Side: A Guide  for Caring for the Dying at Home. This specific knowledge and guidance won’t take away the sadness you carry, but it will give you the confidence to know that you are providing the best care possible.


Originally Published on

Barbara Karnes Registered Nurse

Barbara Karnes, RN Award Winning End of Life Educator, Award Winning Nurse, NHPCO Hospice Innovator Award Winner 2018 & 2015 International Humanitarian Woman of the Year

While at the bedside of hundreds of people during the dying process, Hospice Pioneer Barbara Karnes noticed that each death was following a near identical script. Each person was going through the stages of death in almost the same manner and most families came to her with similar questions. These realizations led Barbara to sit down and write Gone From My Sight, "The Little Blue Book" that changed the hospice industry.

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Barbara Karnes
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