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What Happens After Covid &Raquo; Pexels Photo 3952238

What Happens After Covid

      My wife B started feeling bad a week ago Wednesday. She decided she’d better test for Covid. And sure enough, she was positive.      The next day I felt a tickle in my throat, and some sniffles. I figured I’d better test as well. Also positive.      B is about […]

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Be Careful Out There &Raquo; Post Covid Era Helping Hand Business Economy Concept Government Economic Stimulus 185823760

Be Careful Out There

     I was feeling a little funky, but last I night managed to get through writing a new blog post. Then came the kicker. First, here’s the post:      I saw a report last week from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showing that in 2021 life expectancy decreased for the second […]

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It'S That Time Of Year Again &Raquo; Img 1699 2

It’s That Time of Year Again

     I have a friend who watches every single game of the NY Mets. I guess that’s one way to spend your retirement.      But I am not much of a sports fan. I don’t watch baseball or hockey or basketball. I never watched much football, either, until we moved to the Philadelphia […]

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What Are You Afraid Of? &Raquo; Highway 1277246 340

What Are You Afraid Of?

     I recently realized that the most important issues facing us today are not racial tension, war in Europe, inflation, abortion, insurrection. They are important, sure. But none of these things threatens to kill us tomorrow.      Here’s what can kill us tomorrow. Here’s what we should be afraid of:      Gun […]

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Will My Rmd Save Me? &Raquo; Save 2340273 340

Will My RMD Save Me?

     Last week I took the annual RMD from my IRA account. Probably most people schedule monthly withdrawals from their IRA or 401K, but for various reasons — including the fact that Social Security sends me money every month — I choose a lump sum.      In completing this exercise I found out […]

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Is Anybody Listening? &Raquo; Dog 6079090 1280

Is Anybody Listening?

     A roundup of Baby Boomer blogs this week finds that we’re doing a lot of talking. But is anyone listening?      For example, do you talk to your pets? Rebecca Olkowski of the blog BabyBoomster sure does. But do they listen? She just spent two and a half weeks pet sitting for […]

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Keeping Up With The ... Kardashians? &Raquo; Pexels Photo 3403111

Keeping Up with the … Kardashians?

      We used to keep up with the Joneses. Oh, we said we didn’t. But when we saw a new Mustang in our neighbor’s driveway, we started thinking, maybe we could get one too. Or our friends were talking about their trip to Europe, and suddenly we wondered if we owed it to […]

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Relocating In Retirement: A Checklist &Raquo; Checklist 154274 340

Relocating in Retirement: A Checklist

     Some friends of ours recently came to visit us from our old hometown in New York. They recently retired (in part because of Covid). He was a lawyer, she worked for a construction company — and they’re now thinking about relocating to live out their retirement years.      They’re considering moving to […]

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True Or Not True? &Raquo; Eclipse 1492818 960 720

True or Not True?

     My brother-in-law was over for dinner the other night, and we for some reason got talking about the differences between men and women. He told us he had read that when women get together they talk about relationships and emotions. When men get together they talk about facts.      I’m not here […]

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One Of A Kind &Raquo; Img 1604 2

One of a Kind

     While we were visiting family in Wisconsin we took a side trip to the small town of Spring Green, site of Taliesin, home of architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Why is his home out in the middle-of-nowhere Wisconsin? Because that’s where he grew up.      He went off to the University of Wisconsin […]

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