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May 18th, 2024

Interview with Tony Schmaltz

  1. Interview with Tony Schmaltz Anna Brook 39:50

Today I had a chance to interview Tony Schmaltz who is an author, a speaker, a coach and a success strategist.

Tony has a passion for helping people upgrade their lives in any area possible. Specializing in mindset, wealth creation, manifesting, relationships and happiness, he will help you live the life of your dreams. Tony has shared live or virtual stages with Les Brown, Tom Ziglar, Steve Chandler, Waldo Waldman, Tana Goertz, Kevin Sorbo and so many more.

There are SOOO many moments of overcoming adversity, including losing it all and making massive comebacks when faced with huge challenges. Many of days of telling his wife “That is won’t always be this way” and then making it out of “this way”. You could literally fill a book with the challenges that have been risen to (Hmmm, not a bad idea).

Tony has spent most of his life in some sort of personal development. However, he hit it really hard in the last 5 years, spending over $250,000 to learn, grow and succeed.

His “No Nonsense”, humorous style of teaching and Coaching gets people off their asses to take necessary action, such as in;

Personal Responsibility and Choice
Stop Being a People Pleaser
Positive Habits, Disciplines and Persistence
Time Management and Focus
Finding True Success and Happiness

Tony began leading people to success more than 20 years ago and in that time, he learned from many leaders, mentors and coaches. He has helped many, many people find their successful careers, businesses and lives through his time as a leader. He has helped people find these successes through a specific style of calmly and politely…telling how it is.

To connect with Tony, please visit:

Anna Brook empowers others to live life in the full pursuit of their dreams. Passionate about personal development and the power of the mind, she started the In Turn podcast in October of 2022 to inspire and motivate her listeners. A believer of living life on her terms, Anna has worked as a pharmacist since 2016. During this time, she developed leadership and communication skills, as well as active listening and compassion towards her patients.

In addition to her career as a pharmacist, Anna is a certified Holistic Health coach and the co-founder of Biomental®️, a nutritional supplement company based out of New York City.

Always staying solutions-oriented, creative and thinking outside of the box, Anna is determined to grow a culture of healthy, focused, and strong human beings by providing tools and support through her work. She loves to engage in deep conversations on the topics of self-help and mental health. In her spare time, she enjoys reading a book, cooking, meditating, and dancing tango.

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