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Posts Tagged With ‘ News ’

The Hidden Treasures of America
July 10th, 2023

Unveiling the Magic of Senior Centers Have you ever noticed those bustling hubs of activity in your neighborhood known as Senior Centers? They’re more than just buildings; they’re a lifeline for our older adults, offering a wealth of services and opportunities that significantly enhance their golden years. Today, we’re going to take a deep dive into the world of Senior Centers and discover why they’re America’s best-kept secret. Senior Centers across the United States are as diverse as the communities they serve. From the sun-kissed centers in Florida, where seniors can enjoy a game of... Continue Reading

Navigating the End: The Crucial Role of Death Doulas
June 25th, 2023

Have you ever heard of a death doula? If not, don’t worry, you’re not alone. This term may sound a bit ominous, or even mystical, but in truth, the role of a death doula is one steeped in love, empathy, and most of all, compassionate companionship. Let’s dive into the world of death doulas and explore how their work can profoundly impact a loved one’s journey into the afterlife. A death doula, also known as an end-of-life doula, is someone trained to assist in the dying process, much like a birth doula does with the beginning of life. They are there to provide emotional, spiritual, and... Continue Reading

The Story Behind ‘Johnson’: America’s Second Most Common Surname
June 24th, 2023

Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s as common as apple pie in America – the last name ‘Johnson’. It’s a name you’ve likely come across more times than you can count, and there’s a good reason for that. ‘Johnson’ is the second most common surname in the United States! But have you ever stopped to wonder why that is? Let’s unravel this mystery together. The name ‘Johnson’ has a rich history. It’s of English origin and is a patronymic surname, meaning it’s derived from a personal name. In this case, ‘Johnson’ literally means ‘son of John’. The name ‘John’... Continue Reading

Over 50 and Online: How to Sail the Dating Sea Without Falling for a Catfish
June 24th, 2023

Life is a voyage, and our experiences are the winds that fill our sails. The pursuit of companionship and love is a constant compass, guiding us at every age. For those who have celebrated their 50th birthday, the dating scene has transformed, with online platforms becoming a favored harbor to meet potential partners. However, this digital sea of dating carries its own set of waves, including the risk of encountering ‘catfishes’. A ‘catfish’ is an individual who crafts a fictitious online persona, often using another person’s photos and fabricated biographical information to masquerade... Continue Reading

Unmasking America: A Journey Through the Nation’s Most Popular Surnames
June 19th, 2023

#1 SMITH An engaging exploration into the origins and historical significance of America’s ten most common surnames. Uncover the narratives woven into each name, revealing a tapestry of cultural influences that have shaped the United States. Whether reflecting an ancestor’s occupation or the patronymic traditions of a distant homeland, these surnames provide a unique window into America’s richly diverse heritage. Smith, as a last name, finds its origins in the profession of blacksmithing and metalworking, tracing back to the era of medieval England. Over the centuries, it has become one... Continue Reading

How getting rid of stacks of old newspapers as part of a declutter helped me improve my focus (FQ)
June 14th, 2023
How Getting Rid Of Stacks Of Old Newspapers As Part Of A Declutter Helped Me Improve My Focus (Fq) &Raquo; 1Akmgsncftoqptssbnalmha

Anyone need a newspaper from 2019? Where do you sit on the minimalist vs hoarding spectrum? I am firmly a person who holds onto items and takes the philosophy of “if it still has some utility, then why throw it out?” [my siblings may tell you that is because I’m a cheapskate but don’t listen to them 🤣] Recently however (as some of you may know), I moved flats and that led to a downsizing of space so it very much challenged the above philosophy. I had to look at each and every item in my flat critically to determine whether it had sufficient utility to make the move with me. As I moved... Continue Reading

June 14th, 2023
Swap The Couch for a Horse: Unleashing the Unexpected Power of Equine Therapy
June 7th, 2023

Many of us know we need someone to talk to but are loathe to go to a traditional therapist due to the perceived stigma of “being crazy”. What if there was an alternative to talk therapy? Someplace outdoors, in nature, with perhaps some animals? Wouldn’t that be awesome? Well, there is an option like that ~ Equine Gestalt Coaching. This type of coaching is done usually on a ranch with horses and a certified coach. In my professional certification program, there are over 250 practitioners located throughout the US, Canada, and the UK. Horses have the power to influence people without them even... Continue Reading

Half a Century Young: The Rollicking Ride of Discovering Romance in Your Prime Years
June 6th, 2023

In a universe not too dissimilar from ours, there thrived a lively clan of individuals. They were not your run-of-the-mill folks; they were the trendy elders, the prime-timers who unearthed that the wellspring of affection doesn’t evaporate after 50. Instead, it surges forth with renewed energy and vitality. So, fasten your seatbelts, dear reader, as we embark on a 1,000-word whirlwind journey of affection, mirth, and existence after 50. Let’s kick things off by shattering a popular misconception: affection is not the sole privilege of the youthful and the restless. Oh no, it’s an all-access... Continue Reading

Downsizing with Dignity
June 3rd, 2023

How to Embrace the Empty Nest and Thrive in Your New Space As your children have grown up and moved out, leaving a quiet and often empty house in their wake, you might find yourself contemplating the practicality of the spacious family home. You are not alone in this thought. Downsizing is a common path many seniors take once they transition into the “empty nester” stage of life. This significant change, although initially daunting, can often be a journey of self-discovery, reinvention, and newfound freedom. Embrace the Change Adjusting to a smaller space after years of accommodating a large... Continue Reading

10 Essential Summer Safety Hacks Every Senior Should Know
June 1st, 2023

Stay Cool, Hydrated, and Safe This Summer! As the temperatures rise and the days lengthen, summer presents seniors with a perfect opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors. Whether it’s strolling in a park, gardening, swimming, or bird watching, outdoor activities provide not only enjoyment but also numerous health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, increased strength and flexibility, and enhanced mental well-being. However, the season also brings unique challenges that can put seniors’ health at risk. Here are ten essential tips to ensure you or your loved one can practice summer... Continue Reading