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A Mindful Journey: Self-Acceptance &Raquo; Mmm 06.12.23 Rectangle

A Mindful Journey: Self-Acceptance

A foundation-mindful journey requires having a positive feeling about self. Living without self-judgment or constantly belittling yourself create a mindset by which you see yourself in a positive light. While this positive mindset about self may not come easy, it is crucial to the foundation of your mindful life. Begin by noticing the triggers that […]

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Fostering Resilience: Prioritize Mental Health &Raquo; Post 1 1 1 Scaled 1

Fostering Resilience: Prioritize Mental Health

This week I encourage you to prioritize your mental and emotional health. How can you foster a state of being that is helpful to your overall health? It’s not selfish; it’s necessary. The demands of work and managing personal responsibilities can weigh you down. Other times you can glide through the challenges seamlessly. Why is […]

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Finding Comfort In Self-Exploration And Meditation &Raquo; Mm Scaled 1

Finding Comfort in Self-Exploration and Meditation

During our life, the growth and change we experience as a result of personal development can require us to come out of our comfort zone. It is in this unknown, the unfamiliar, that we may experience apprehension, doubt, and fears. It is also here that self-exploration and meditation can help us live in awareness to […]

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Overcoming Inner Criticism: The Power Of Mindful Reflection &Raquo; Imgpsh Fullsize Anim 8 1 Scaled 1

Overcoming Inner Criticism: The Power of Mindful Reflection

Recently, as I focused on overcoming inner criticism through mindful reflection, I’ve noticed that emotions such as guilt and shame, which stem from feeling tough on myself and undermine my self-confidence and self-worth, tend to snowball and consume more bandwidth than I care to admit. Can you relate to experiencing such contracted emotions? However, utilizing […]

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Are You Comfortable Spending Time Alone?

On many occasions, I’ve discussed the importance of social connectedness.  Being socially connected provides you with more opportunities to have fun and to have a support system.  Furthermore, during the aging process, there is a strong association between loneliness and poor health and a shorter lifespan. Something that can get lost in the process when […]

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Transform Negative Thoughts With Reiki &Raquo; Post 1 4 1 Scaled 1

Transform Negative Thoughts with Reiki

Today’s Mindful moment we’ll explore how Reiki can help you transform negative thoughts and emotions, and guide you towards healing and embracing them. When negative thoughts arise, it’s best to address them rather than suppress them. We have been taught that negative thoughts and feelings are bad, but when we repress them, they don’t go […]

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Mindful Meditation or Back Yard TV

Ahhh, meditation. Every “expert” I know sings the praises of mindful meditation along with the many health benefits including stress management, reducing negative emotions, and increasing patience and tolerance. I have often been told by multiple experts, “You need to meditate. You’re so high strung, and it’s the only way to calm your mind.” To […]

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