Monday - September 16th, 2024
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Dennis Pitocco

One Day or Day One: You Decide –A Maze or Amazing?

We have a choice about how we take what happens to us in our life and whether or not we allow it to turn us. We can become consumed by hate and darkness, or we’re able to regain our humanity somehow, or come to terms with things and learn something about ourselves. — Angelina Jolie […]

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Walking With Others

Sharing knowledge is the most fundamental act of friendship. Because it is a way you can give something without losing something. ~Richard Stallman Billy, a loving and loyal dog, became an internet star in 2020. His owner, Russell, had broken his ankle and was using crutches to walk. Soon the dog also began to hobble […]

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Working for Humanity –at Work

Maybe it’s time we revisited the bottom line. If that line crushes any part of our emotional and spiritual well-being, we need to generate a different work. ~ Mac Bogert As CEO/ReImaginator for 360° Nation and Chief Encouragement Officer of our affiliated pro bono social impact enterprise; GoodWorks 360° Foundation, I was delighted to have […]

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Let Your Story be Told: Because ALL Voices Matter

Tell me the facts and I’ll learn. Tell me the truth and I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever. ~Native American Proverb L ess than one quarter to go before all REALVOICES 360° video submissions move into our award recognition queue. All videos received by 31 December […]

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Pause & Reflect: More Time for Spare Time?

“What will we do with all our spare time?” That thought was at the heart of an essay published in 1930 by the economist John Maynard Keynes. In it, Keynes proposed that within a hundred years, technological and economic advances would bring humans to a point where we would work only three hours a day […]

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Time for More Positive Ripples of Change?

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples. –Mother Teresa We hold this space as an opportunity to showcase those people we encounter now and then who simply show up every day with a radiant,  uplifting spirit coupled with a genuine willingness to give […]

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Reach Out And Touch: Pivot to Your “Points of Light”

When you touch minds, people are willing to walk a dozen miles for you; and when you touch hearts, people are willing to walk a thousand miles for you; but when you touch souls, people are willing to walk a million miles for you. ―Matshona Dhliwayo “There’s no place like home. There’s no place like […]

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Dark Moments Illuminated by Good Works

I had a dark moment. Those five words capture the internal agony of a popular female celebrity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Adjusting to a new normal was part of her challenge, and in her turmoil, she acknowledged that she wrestled with severe anxiety. Pulling out of the downward spiral included sharing her struggle with a […]

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Reopening the Door –for the Magic of Hugs & Handshakes

Digital networks and screen media have the power to make the world seem much smaller. But when it comes to certain life-changing transformations, they’re no match for face-to-face. ~Susan Pinker, The Village Effect Croissants, dumplings, pork curry, and all sorts of scrumptious food await those who find and enter the Narrow Door Cafe. Located in […]

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Time to Adjust Your Volume for Good?

Turn down the volume on the external noise and turn up the volume on the voice in your heart. ~Heather Hansen O’Neill We hold this space as an opportunity to showcase those people we encounter now and then who simply show up every day with a radiant,  uplifting spirit coupled with a genuine willingness to […]

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