Friday - July 26th, 2024
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Dennis Pitocco

Playing it Safe –Or Playing it Comfortable?

Safety is a concept that can be manipulated to justify nearly anything. ~Bruce Schneier In recent years, a troubling trend has emerged in group discussions, particularly in professional and social settings. When faced with ideas that challenge their beliefs or worldviews, some individuals retreat behind the claim, “I don’t feel safe.” While personal safety is […]

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Studio 360° – A New Lens on Extraordinary Lives

Mutual reflection. Open and candid conversation. Questioning of old beliefs and assumptions. Learning to let go. Awareness of how our own actions create the systemic structures that produce our problems. Developing these learning capabilities lies at the heart of profound change. –Peter Senge We’re excited to announce the launch of Studio 360°, an innovative, virtually live (via […]

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Navigating Our “Way” Back – With A Million Steps Forward

The Camino scallop shell symbolizes rebirth, leaving your old life behind and embarking on a new spiritual journey. Author’s Note: Over the course of 40 days (and circa 1.3 million steps) my wife Ali and I recently completed our long-planned pilgrimage across the Camino de Santiago, also known as the “Way of St. James”. We’ve […]

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On Joining the “Infinite Library of Alexandria”

Google News is the Infinite Library of Alexandria made accessible to all. Its power to inform and enlighten is beyond measure. ~Unknown Author/Editor Note:  This Article was inspired by the fact that our award-winning site is now syndicated via Google News, substantially amplifying the visibility of our 1100+ Featured Contributors, while extending our reach across […]

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Cultivating Glee: Time for an “Explosion of Joy”?

Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day. ~Henri Nouwen When France and Argentina met in the 2022 World Cup final, it was an incredible contest that many dubbed the “greatest World Cup match in history.” As the final seconds ticked off in extra time, […]

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Rediscovering Humanity: At Our Third Place

 We should have more coffeehouses, more cafes, more “third places.” More places where people can get together that’s not work, not home, and where they can interact with people who are different from them. ~ Eric Weiner I recognize, I acknowledge, and I am grateful. In French, these three concepts are expressed by one term: […]

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In Search of More with Less: Disconnecting to Reconnect

In a world that’s constantly connected, sometimes the greatest act of rebellion is to disconnect so we can reconnect with our own inner world, our inner wisdom, and our deeper truths. –Unknown We live in curious times. It’s called the “Age of Information, but in another light, it can be called the Age of Distraction. […]

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Changing the World: by Fighting to End Human Trafficking

When we allow our children to be sold, to be used as a commodity, to be violated, persecuted, neglected, discarded, and preyed upon by criminal influences, we deteriorate as a civilized community. There is nothing civilized about the exploitation of the weak, the innocent, and the vulnerable for selfish gain. –Andi Buerger As CEO/ReImaginator for 360° Nation and […]

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Cultivating Glee: Has Joy Left the Building?

We simply cannot know joy without embracing vulnerability – and the way to do that is to focus on gratitude, not fear. ~Brené Brown Summing up his status as more than a man but a force of nature, the colloquialism “Elvis has left the building!”  has taken on a life of its own in the […]

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What About Your “Third Place”

The third place has always been a feeling. An emotion. An aspiration that all people can come together and be uplifted as a result of a sense of belonging. –Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks The Significance of Third Places In the dynamic tapestry of human life, beyond the confines of our homes and the structured […]

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