Today I’m speaking with Morne from Mamlambo Fossils. Morne is a fossil hunter living on the South Island of New Zealand, searching for Miocene and Cretaceous era fossils, and preparing them for donation to museums for research or as educational tools for the next generation of scientists. The Mamlambo channel and social media accounts document his discoveries, and inspire others who are interested in fossil hunting, or the many disciplines that are behind the hobby. Morne is nothing short of delightful, and his warm and generous disposition make him the perfect ambassador between amateur and professional fossil hunters and paleontologists. We spoke on many topics, from Morne’s own journey into fossil hunting, to how citizen science offers enormous potential to contribute to the field.
My name is Tyler Gleckler, I am a chemist by education, and the host of the Wiser Tomorrow Podcast. I am part of a generation who grew up watching and sometimes even idolizing online figures who championed science, education, and intellectualism. From Dr. Philip Mason to Professor Richard Dawkins, my teenage years were heavily influenced by these people and their ideas, and am evidence of their impact. In my search of a happy and productive career, I’ve come to realize that my dream is to share knowledge, foster curiosity, and highlight those who lead by example. is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.