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Life, Love, Dogs, and World Peace with Maureen Scanlon

  1. Life, Love, Dogs, and World Peace with Maureen Scanlon Hersh Rephun 57:26

In this episode, Hersh chats with Maureen Scanlon, Master Life Coach and Practitioner and Award-winning Author. They explore Maureen’s journey, the lessons learnt from dogs, and delve into the complex world of relationships. They discuss trust issues, the impact of unhealthy relationships, and strategies for reconnecting, including the date jar concept.

(0:00) Introduction and Maureen Scanlon’s personal journey
(2:17) Start of conversation with Maureen Scanlon
(4:02) Maureen shares her personal struggles and journey to self-love
(10:08) Discussion on the innate goodness of dogs, their short lifespan, and their role as man’s best friend
(16:31) Maureen’s writing process, relationship Coaching, and dealing with the end of a relationship
(23:12) Understanding the allure of chaos in relationships and identifying when a relationship is worth saving
(31:14) Creating a ‘date jar’ for relationship fun and connection, and overcoming the ‘newness’ factor in relationships
(35:15) Balancing different interests within a relationship and the importance of ‘couch time’ for couples
(43:21) The importance of conflict resolution in relationships and the problem of defensiveness in couples
(49:06) The therapeutic role of dogs in our lives and the difference between our relationships with pets and humans
(57:02) Introduction to the concept of ‘love comprehension’ and closing remarks

Hersh Rephun The MESSAGE Therapist

Increasingly known as “The MESSAGE Therapist™”, Hersh Rephun is a veteran Copywriter & Brand Voice Expert who helps Founders, CEOs, and Consultants establish trust with their audience.

His people are the soulful movers for whom the next-figure may be in revenue or impact.

Hersh hosts multiple interview shows ranked in the Top 2% of Apple Podcasts globally (including YES, BRAND), and having played standup gigs across the country (Comedy Store, Comic Strip, Funny Bone, The Ice House…), he brings his stage presence to keynote talks the world over.

He is the Founder of HumanEyes, a personal interface for reviewing, editing, and elevating Ai-generated output.

Hersh’s mantra is, “Sell the Truth with Humor and Humanity”; this ethos runs through his talks, workshops, and intensives. Hersh is the author of SELLING THE TRUTH: We’re All Full of It, coming in early 2024.

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