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May 9th, 2024

Unleash Your Energy: Avital Miller Returns to The MisFitNation Show

  1. Unleash Your Energy: Avital Miller Returns to The MisFitNation Show Richard LaMonica 37:14

Get ready to energize your mind, body, and spirit as we welcome back Avital Miller to The MisFitNation Show!

Avital, often hailed as the “Energizer Bunny” for her boundless vitality, returns with her dynamic style that ignites hearts and gets bodies Moving!

As a seasoned speaker, Avital specializes in helping audiences break through limiting mindsets, identify what truly holds them back, and reclaim control over their lives. With a background in both dance and engineering, she offers a unique perspective on life, love, and health, delving deep into topics that resonate with audiences worldwide.

Avital is the best-selling author of “Healing Happens: Stories of Healing Against All Odds,” and her insightful articles have been featured in Fitness Professional Online, 30 Seconds, and Sacred Dance Guild Journal.

An award-winning international keynote speaker, neurolinguistic programming practitioner, healing breakthrough facilitator, and global dancer, Avital brings a wealth of experience and wisdom to every conversation.

Don’t miss this opportunity to re-energize your life with Avital Miller on The MisFitNation Show, where we celebrate the power of positive transformation.

Check her out here:

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#EnergizeYourLife #PositiveTransformation #EmpowermentSpeaker #MindBodySpirit #MisFitNation #AuthorSpeaker #WellnessExpert #HealingHappens #GlobalDancer

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Rich LaMonica The MisFitNation Show

Rich LaMonica Is a 22-year veteran of the United States Army who was deployed on multiple occasions in support of the Global War on Terrorism. It was during this career he evolved as a leader of people. His education came from great mentors who showed him how to take care of people. He retired in 2015 and went through an entire year of self-reflection as he transitioned to civilian life again. Those 365 days from retiring to finding a job taught him valuable lessons about transition. This has powered his drive to help other veterans as they go through the transition and any other roadblocks they are hitting. He is a Motivated Speaker who discusses Mindset, Resilience, Grit, and more skills that will make you find your Purpose no matter the journey you have been on. He is currently finishing up two books while pursuing a Ph.D from Liberty University in Homeland Security. He lives by rules and has a motto that resonates with fans of How I met Your Mother “Challenge Accepted”. He is the Executive Producer and host of The MisFitNation Podcast

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