*Please share this podcast with friends, subscribe, and leave a comment or question.* Did you know that women are the first to file in nearly 80% of divorce cases? These women are not walking away lightly. They believe they have done everything possible to save the marriage before throwing in the towel. Many, many times their husbands are blindsided. Listen in as Tim Wade, a relationship coach for men, shares the work he does to diffuse the divorce bomb when she wants out.
After being blindsided by the divorce bomb and a “Walkaway Wife” in 2015, Tim Wade turned his deepest wound into a powerful message of transformation that he has shared with thousands of men worldwide.
Tim shares that women, on average, plan their escapes for two years. Some red flags for men to pay attention to include: a detachment, she stops trying to make the marriage work. She stops nagging. She stops arguing and goes about her life without including the husband in activities. She waits for “D” day.
Tim gives husbands tips on how to react when hit with the divorce bomb. Don’t become simpering fools. Don’t expect a quick fix. Take time to figure out who you are, what you want from the marriage, and what type of life you want to create. Be kind, pay attention, and talk to her. The prize is in creating the life you both want. It is possible, with personal transformation, to reclaim a happy and satisfying marriage.
Produced by: Whitfield Media Group, Chattanooga, TN
Editing by: Tyler Owens
Email: silverdivorcepodcast@gmail.com
Facebook & Instagram @silverdivorcepodcast
Title Sponsor: Center for Sports Medicine and Orthopaedics www.sportmed.com
Show Sponsor: Medicare Misty www.medicaremisty.com
About your guest: Tim Wade is founder of Tim Wade Coaching and LionHearted Living. Tim believes men have the power to pull their marriage back from the brink through the power of personal transformation and has created a unique online course for men, “Defuse the Divorce Bomb.” Find him at www.timwadecoaching.com and www.howtodefusethedivorcebomb.com
About your host: I’m Lisa McCluskey, MBA, a retired healthcare executive turned podcaster after being blindsided by divorce that ended a 34-year marriage. I interview experts on the Silver Divorce Podcast to help people through the traumatic divorce journey.
This podcast provides Education and is not intended as legal advice.