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June 26th, 2023

Manage Your Stress More Effectively with Paul Thornton

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Maria T. FinchManage Your Stress More Effectively with Paul Thornton
  1. Manage Your Stress More Effectively with Paul Thornton Maria T. Finch 31:47

Are you ready to learn practical ways to reduce your stress level?

Paul Thornton, an expert in leadership, management and managing stress, shares his simple formula for effectively managing stress…

If your Demands are greater than your Coping Skills, you get a Stress Reaction.

D > CS = SR

To reduce your stress, you can reduce your demands or increase your coping skills or both.

We go into detail about the elements of the formula…demands (work, personal, etc.), coping skills (Meditation, Exercise, Sleep, etc.), and stress reactions (insomnia, Anxiety, physical symptoms, etc.)…as well as how this approach can be used by leaders/managers to help their teams.

When feeling overwhelmed you may think you don’t have enough time to meditate, exercise, take a break, take a nap, etc., so instead of increasing time you put into a coping skill, you reduce it. That actually works against you! When you feel stressed, it is a signal that it’s time to increase your coping skills (and reduce your demands) so you decrease stress. Join us and start lowering your stress!

What you’ll learn:

  • Noticing and identifying the demands on you will enable you to more effectively reduce them. Make a list and decide what can you cut out?
  • Figuring out the coping skills that work best for you to help you relax, and re-center is key.
  • By developing and regularly practicing your coping skills, you start with a mind that is more centered, and you will be able to handle more demands.
  • When super stressed, it is easy to think that you don’t have time to meditate, exercise, take a nap, do a relaxing activity, but that’s actually when you should do MORE of these things (increase your coping skills!).
  • Spending more time on coping skills will INCREASE your productivity. When you’re more productive, you knock out demands more easily (reduce demands and thereby reduce your stress).
  • Coping skills do not have to take a lot of time…a short meditation, a quick walk around the block or around your office or house, a quick fun conversation, a quick look through photos of people, pets and places you love, all of those will shift your mindset (and in the context of the formula, increase your coping skills).
  • And so much more!

Connect with Paul:

Paul B. Thornton conducts seminars and workshops on alignment, leadership, and implementing change. He is also an author and speaker. His e-books are available at Amazon.

  • Leadership Style
  • The Leadership Process
  • Leadership-Perfecting Your Approach and Style
  • Leadership Case Studies

He can be contacted at

Maria T. Finch, Intuitive Strategy Guide and host of the Silence the Mindcluck Podcast, works with motivated people

  • who are unsatisfied with one or many aspects of their lives despite their success, and
  • who are ready to make fulfillment and success go hand in hand.

Is this you? Maria will teach you how to silence the mindcluck that leaves you unsatisfied or even miserable despite your success. Maria will guide you to tune into your intuition to create and execute strategies that will shift you from feeling frustrated AF to being the queen or king of your existence.

Book a free strategy session with Maria:

Learn more:

Take the “What the Cluck?” quiz to find out what kind of mindcluck is loudest for you today and get immediate solutions for silencing it today:

Maria T. Finch Inner Intelligence Coach

Maria T. Finch is an Inner Intelligence Coach at Silence the Mindcluck. Mindcluck means what you think it means…the mind chatter everyone experiences that can derail even the best moments. Maria works with high achievers who are unsatisfied in one or many aspects of their lives. She guides them to silence their mindcluck and tune into their inner intelligence to build and execute strategies that shift them from feeling frustrated AF to being the queens or kings of their lives.


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