“Aging is a process of living.” ______ Tracey Gendron
Guest Tracey Gendron, professor, author, and activist, reminds listeners that we don't want to be younger versions of ourselves: We've worked too hard to get where we are today. However, the way we learn about aging is filled with misconceptions. We've never learned the truth; instead, we think of aging as a process of physical decline and don't look at the “Growth part.” Yes, Tracey says, loss and decline are real. There's no getting around that. But so is change and growth. Research shows that as we age, we tend to focus on things that make us feel better, and we are much more able to “prune” the Relationships and things that are not working for us. It's part of the Wisdom we gain. We understand that we've wasted a lot of time on people who don't give us joy. “The world gets smaller but richer because it is filled with people and things we love.”
“Older Women & Friends” is richer with Tracey as this episode's guest.
Her book, Ageism Unmasked, has garnered oodles of praise like this:
“This book is a must-read for anyone who is aging — and that is every one of us! “
Jill Vitale-Aussem, author of Disrupting the Status Quo of Senior Living
Ageism Unmasked: Exploring Age Bias and How to End It–
OR wherever you buy books