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May 23rd, 2024 Mature Content

LTA "Radical Self-Care" W/ Lauri Rubinstein

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  1. LTA "Radical Self-Care" W/ Lauri Rubinstein Mitzi Ocasio 28:32

Let’s Think About “Radical Self-Care”

What lengths are you willing to go to for your well-being? For your sanity? Lauri comes onto my show to tell her reason for sharing her experiences and helping others see Self-Care as possible within themselves. Self-Care is more than Sunday face masks. So, let’s tune in and think about it. 

Hi, my name is Mitzi. I consider myself to be an overthinker.

I love thinking about everything that can be considered and why such things are. I have always been curious about why people feel a certain way and how easily certain things can become taboo.

That is why I started Mitzi; let's think about it. Because I love thinking about everything that can be thought of, please tune into my podcast if you are as curious about life as I am.

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