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Ep 179 Unveiling Elite Performance Through Self Awareness and Honesty

  1. Ep 179 Unveiling Elite Performance Through Self Awareness and Honesty Bernie Borges 15:07

In this takeaway episode, I explore key insights from my conversation with Art Turock on episode 178.

I reviewed three main talking points from ep 178:

1️⃣ Deliberate Practice: Art explains that deliberate practice isn’t just repeating the same practice over and over. It involves pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and continuously working on skills to achieve higher competency and growth.

2️⃣ Accountability: Art shares his philosophy on accountability and how traditional methods of holding people accountable often lead to blaming and rationalizations. Instead, he emphasizes inviting accountability through a series of questions that challenge individuals to assess their behaviors and mindsets in relation to their desired results.

3️⃣ Colossal Deception: Art explains the concept of colossal deception, the tendency to prioritize immediate comfort over long-term goals. Art shares strategies for reframing mindsets and focusing on passionate values to overcome this deceptive mindset.

My takeaway from our conversation is anchored in honesty. I’m referring to being honest with oneself.  If you cheat yourself, you may not reach elite performance at whatever capacity you can and that means that the people who would be affected by your elite performance would not benefit from it, because you didn’t attain it.

Most of us can look backward and recognize our elite performances, and also maybe recognize where colossal deception won out, robbing us of our elite performance achievement.

I choose not to beat myself up over the colossal deceptions and instead appreciate the elite performances I've experienced.

How about you? My challenge to you is to be honest with yourself. Reflect on your life and be self-aware of the elite performances in your life.

Also, recognize those times when colossal deception won out, and learn from it, as I have.

By being self-aware of elite performances and colossal deceptions in our life, we are better equipped to be honest with ourselves when we next face a moment of truth where we have to answer the question: “Am I interested in doing (fill in the blank,) or am I committed to it.” The only right or wrong answer is up to you.   


affiliate link to Castmagic, the AI tool I used to help produce these show notes.

Connect with Art Turock
Deliberate Practice Guide

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Bernie Borges Host Midlife Fulfilled Podcast

I started podcasting in 2013. My most recent podcast is the Midlife Fulfilled weekly podcast which launched in February 2022.

I was frustrated by a lack of fulfillment, in spite of good health, a successful career, good fitness, a healthy marriage, and overall happiness. Despite these blessings, I was lacking fulfillment.

I conducted a survey and discovered that I wasn’t alone on the journey to find more fulfillment. As an experienced podcaster, I knew that I could provide a platform to help men and women in midlife find more fulfillment and joy through a weekly podcast.

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