Bianca Laureano-Aguirre teaches high school English and Positive Psychology in the Bay Area, where she lives with her husband, Ray. She cares about wellness, so she
recently worked up the courage to give a TEDx talk on moving from merely surviving to thriving and inspiring in the world of Education. Her love of learning led her to pursue an MA in Happiness Studies with Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar,
a degree she’s currently working on with the magnificent host of this show, Meg. Bianca also holds a BA in English and an MA in Education from Stanford University, where she met her husband in their college a cappella group. Besides loving singing, Bianca enjoys hiking, practicing Yoga, reading, and writing in her free time. She’s working on her first book about what she learned from her great-grandparents and the world of happiness studies and positive psychology.
Show Notes:
00:01:09 Season 7—Live, Love, Laugh & Play
00:01:21 Theme- Find the Happy Ones, and Enjoy the Trip!
00:01:32 Introducing Bianca
00:02:26 Quote of the Day
00:03:24 Emotional Contagion
00:04:19 Being in the Present Moment
00:05:32 Singing in a Choir is Magical
00:07:00 Bianca’s Journey
00:10:41 Masters in Happiness Studies
00:11:26 TEDx-From Barely Surviving to INSPIRE-ing
00:17:32 Bianca’s Inspirational Quotes
00:28:47 The Study of Positive Psychology as Life-Changing
00:30:08 MGTB & Insight of the Day
00:31:12 How Will You Play More?
00:32:30 Manifesting Tools
00:33:51 Wishes Fulfilled
00:35:21 What do you Hope For?
00:35:46 Bianca’s Inspiration
00:36:31 Contact Bianca
00:37:27 Bianca’s Message
Contact Bianca Laureano – Linked In
SEASON 7: Live, Laugh, Love & Play Conversations with Extraordinary People is a YouTube video and podcast based on The Magical Guide to Bliss. It guides the listener through the year with empowering conversations. Subscribe to my
YouTube channel. Sign up for my newsletter:
Manifesting with Meg & Bianca Laureano-Aguirre-Ep. 135 Find the Happy Ones, and Enjoy the Trip!
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