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January 23rd, 2024

Rebuilding Relationships with Estranged Adult Children with Dr. Janet Steinkamp

  1. Rebuilding Relationships with Estranged Adult Children with Dr. Janet Steinkamp Wendy Green 45:48

Season 7 Episode 170

In this episode, Wendy Green engages in a deep and meaningful conversation with Dr. Janet Steinkamp about the challenges of estranged relationships with adult children.

Wendy and Janet both share there personal experiences, emphasizing the importance of self-reflection, adapting communication styles, and nurturing trust and grace in rebuilding relationships. The discussion touches upon the emotional complexities, the stages of Grief, and the impact of family dynamics on estrangement.

Guest bio

Dr. Janet Steinkamp is an educator, teacher-trainer, communication expert, estrangement consultant, researcher and mom.

In 2019, Dr. Steinkamp began her own journey through a family estrangement when her adult daughter decided to cut ties. Her family lost contact with her daughter for nearly two years. It took months of courageous self-reflection, sometimes painful self-accountability, determination and grace to understand how her communication and expectations contributed to her daughter’s estrangement. When asked how she got started on her journey of growth and transformation, she quickly points out that the first step was to recognize the only person she could change was herself.

Episode Overview

The discussion focuses on the challenges of understanding and navigating estrangement, as well as the importance of self-improvement and adapting to different communication styles.

Janet introduces the DISC assessment tool as a means of understanding and improving parent-child communication, emphasizing the significance of self-reflection and investing in self-discovery.

The impact of Grief on communication and the vulnerability it creates, as well as the stages of Grief and their influence on parents’ behavior, are explored.

The episode touches on family dynamics, research findings on estrangement, and so much more, creating a multifaceted exploration of the topic.


  • Self-reflection and investing in self-discovery are pivotal to rebuilding estranged relationships
  • Understanding different communication styles, such as those identified by the DISC assessment tool, can help improve parent-child communication.
  • Embracing change, adapting to different communication styles, and showing grace and trust are paramount in rebuilding and maintaining relationships.


Visit for resources and support services offered by Janet Steinkamp.

Email Dr. Steinkamp at

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Wendy Green Blogger, Podcaster

Hey, Boomer! goes beyond the surface, exploring the complexities of family relationships, maintaining health, navigating caregiving, coping with divorce or widowhood, financial concerns, housing and technology. It's the podcast that acknowledges the challenges and opportunities that come with aging, with a compassionate and realistic approach.

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Hosted by Wendy Green, her conversational style ensures every episode feels like a heartfelt chat between friends. Her guests range from experts to everyday individuals, bringing their wisdom and experiences to the table, creating an atmosphere of trust, understanding, and genuine connection

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