I got to interview Sabine Kvenberg.
Sabine Kvenberg is an author, singer/songwriter, certified Life Purpose Life Coach, a DTM (Distinguished Toastmaster), and Founder of Communication Coaching Center. Formerly she was a stage and TV actress in Europe, a producer, and a director. For the past ten years, she has helped thousands of entrepreneurs land more clients by becoming more confident communicators – both on and off camera… so they can create the freedom-filled life they dream of.
Sabine helps Entrepreneurs to become confident and proficient in recording videos and speaking on live stages. You learn presentation skills and how to use stories to better connect with your audience, convey your message effectively, and convert prospects into paying clients.
We spoke about:
-00:55 Journey
-2:10 Pivoting
-7:55 Not listening to the experts
-17:45 Enjoy the journey
-24:20 Making a difference
*Disclaimer: The views and opinions on Roman Prokopchuk’s Digital Savage Experience are those of the guest’s alone as their own, and the host’s alone as his own. Information provided by the guest is fact checked to the best of our abilities. By providing background information to the show, the guest acknowledges that it is as accurate as possible. The show does not endorse, promote, or is in association with the guest’s business interests.*