From Near-Divorce to a Thriving Marriage: An Interview with Sophie Orozco
- From Near-Divorce to a Thriving Marriage: An Interview with Sophie Orozco Dr. Bruce Chalmer 44:43
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What can you do if your husband tells you he no longer loves you, and is ending your marriage? Do you have to just give up? Our guest in this episode, Sophie Orozco, faced that very situation. And her friends, advisors, and therapists told her to just accept it and move on. But Sophie was determined to find a better outcome. She gave herself a year, and discovered that not only could her marriage be saved, but that it was better than it ever was. She shares what she learned with her Coaching clients. Judy and I found her story inspiring, and hope you do too.
Sophie’s website is
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Bruce’s latest book, Betrayal and Forgiveness: How to Navigate the Turmoil and Learn to Trust Again is now available! More information at