Young Adults and the Family Conflicts #26 111124 Jack Stoltzfus shares_ #podmatch #mentalhealth
- Young Adults and the Family Conflicts #26 111124 Jack Stoltzfus shares_ #podmatch #mentalhealth, Karen Hale 35:04
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About Jack Stoltzfus
In the PEW Study 2020, 52% of young adults ages 18-29 live with one or both parents. The highest percentage ever. The pandemic contributed to this trend, but college debt, housing costs, and the comforts of home allow the problem to persist. One in four young adults cut off communication with parents, which often reflects a failure to launch or leave home positively. Parents of today’s kids have overinvested in their happiness and success and have trouble letting go, especially if the young adult is struggling. I help parents navigate this challenging transition by assisting them to let go while maintaining a positive connection with their adult children you are looking for a Personal Coach contact Karen at
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