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November 18th, 2024

Do You Know Your Worth? #30 #caregiving #abilities #selfcare #podmatch

Audio Player, Karen HaleDo You Know Your Worth? #30 #caregiving #abilities #selfcare #podmatch
  1. Do You Know Your Worth? #30 #Caregiving #abilities #selfcare #podmatch, Karen Hale 32:23

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About Lynette Weldon
My mission is rooted in the belief that every individual possesses inherent worth and value. I am dedicated to helping people recognize and embrace their true potential, instilling a deep sense of self-worth and empowering them to lead lives filled with purpose and meaning.For the past 20 years I have provided groundbreaking alternative healing therapies to Indvidual’s that were impacted by Depression, Anxiety, suicide ideation, PTSD and many other Mental Health diagnoses. The one common thread with the clients that come for Therapy was that the parent, spouse or caregiver were burned out and had no services to help them with all the overwhelming responsibilities and care they were giving to the clients in our program.I personally have been a caregiver for over 35 years. My life completely changed when my daughter was born and I was told within days that she had Down Syndrome, a few short months later diagnosed with a hole in her heart and then at 8 months told she had Juvenile Diabetes. Your world or what you thought it should look like can change on a dime.Those were all tremendous challenges that would challenge my resolve and my confidence as a mom. For years we were in and out of hospitals, I was exhausted, overwhelmed, running on fumes and burnt out. I knew something had to change.I was suffering, my kids and family were suffering. I knew life could not go on this way. I started to look at challenges differently, to come up with other solutions They were working! I realized that there were other caregivers and families suffering to. That’s when I started to develop a program to end caregiver Burnout.I want empower caregivers seeking to break free from the cycle of Stress, overwhelm, self-neglect, guilt and the inability to say no or ask for help. To see their self-worth and that they too are worthy of all the love and compassion that they give to others.So often they feel they aren’t worthy. They are afraid to share how they feel for fear of being judged. Most often there are some feelings of Grief, anger and resentment. They don’t share those feeling or sometimes even acknowledge them because of the guilt they then feel for having those thoughts or feelings. They feel isolated and alone.I want them to know they are not alone, and that those are all valid human emotions.So, through my Coaching and programs, I created a safe, supportive space where individuals can explore their unique strengths, overcome limiting beliefs, and cultivate the resilience needed to navigate life’s challenges with grace and confidence. They find their purpose and joy outside of their role as a caregiver. To have resources and connections with other caregivers who can relate and empathize because they are going through the same challenges in their lives. They become the best version of themselves and in turn become the best caregiver to the one they love and are caring for.I’ve been featured as a “Forward Thinker” for the work I have done with alternative therapy. I can come on your show and speak about alternative and effective coaching for alleviating depression, anxiety and other challenges that affect the human spirit when in a constant demanding and most often unforgiving role as a caregiver. Currently today in the United States there are an estimated 58.5 million caregivers.I am an articulate and passionate speaker and would do you proud!

If you are looking for a Personal Coach contact Karen at
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
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Karen Hale Purpose Seeker

After spending the first 50 plus years of my life trying to be like everyone else I finally chose myself. My journey has taken me up and down some hills and valleys that provided me a perspective on life. What I have learned and I am continuing to learn is that I AM OK and I don't have to attempt to look or act like anyone else. My uniqueness is what makes me shine and my confidence had grown 100%. As a podcaster, blogger, and coach I am helping myself and others face this imperfect world and making it the best place in the universe. If I can touch one other person through my stories or sharing those of others I have achieved success.


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