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that ridiculous blue sky

Author: Monica B. Morris

Reviewed By: Patti Hill

That Ridiculous Blue Sky &Raquo; 29 Bbook Photo

“that ridiculous blue sky” was an absolute pleasure to read! It proved to hold my interest from its opening pages. I found myself thinking about the latest twist while at work; I had to discipline myself to finish my tasks before returning to the developing plot. I thought I knew where the story was going, but was pleasantly surprised when it didn’t!

For any woman who thinks she needs romance to live, for any woman trying to find her way in a new world, for any woman who needs to laugh at her own insecurities, for any woman learning to trust her instincts, for any woman striving to develop courage- -this book will allow you to explore the inadequacies of your own life through the language of story. You’ll find your own deepest thoughts reflected through the characters; and, perhaps, discover something new and revolutionary for your own journey.

“that ridiculous blue sky” could very well become one of those favorite books you return to again and again; one of those faithful companions that curl up with you in your favorite chair on lazy afternoons. Between its pages you will find; rest, excitement, hope, fear, courage, commitment, friendship, love and self discovery. A true gem.

Originally Published on

Anne Holmes Boomer-in-Chief of NABBW


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